Chapter 8

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The new Pokemon heard a gasp. A soft one, but he heard it. He almost couldn't see through his tears when he opened his eyes. But it was clear. Sapphire was staring at the ceiling. She looked like she had just remembered something. She was awake, and the blue eyes of hers struck a chord in his heart. They were the same comforting shade, the only pair of eyes that he could look at without flinching.

His felt himself blushing like mad as always when he saw those eyes. Sapphire was pure beauty to him, from the moment she started to walk and talk. It wasn't just parental love that he felt, it was something else entirely. Inwardly, he sighed. Did he have to become a total softie when he was with her?

Of course he had to.

Oh well.



His name is Lucario.

I remember so many things.

I know how he feels.

I can sense it.

I can... sense him?

Am I an Aura Guardian?

Or the daughter of one?

Does that mean...

My father is...


He's Sir Aaron?!

I don't know.

I don't even know if I can accept this truth.

I trained my aura controlling abilities.

With him.

With Lucario.

I remember.


The day...

The day...

That day...



I... was sent to the future?!


She doing it.

Everything is coming back to her.

She's starting to realise everything that she has seen so far is the future.

This isn't the world she is used to anymore. This is a thousand years in the future.

I wonder how she'll act after this.

I don't know.


My name is Aura?

I don't remember.

My name is Ash.

I have always known that my name is Ash.

I was raised in Pallet Town.

My home is in Kanto.

Or is it?

I think...

Something is coming back to me.

Crying. Laughing. "Coochie-coochie-coo". And then...disaster.

Sapphire Aura: PreludeWhere stories live. Discover now