wait which chapter is this again im sorry

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"Good lord, Sapphire, what is wrong with you?!" She hissed as she looked at her own hands. She couldn't control her powers. This had been started late for her. She was supposed to have started training at a young age to help her master the flow of energy within her that apparently exuded out in gigantic invisible amounts, but now that her body had gotten used to all the exuding, she couldn't take everything back in one go, and this was making her panic. She couldn't save the world and do all those prophesized stuff (and blah blah blah) without her powers. As much as she hated this life of a cliche, she had to do it.

Looks like she was going to be the knight in shining armour, and not some kinda caped dude.

She clenched her fists and unclenched them, and let out a sigh of defeat. She put her hands at her sides, cold flames that wouldn't catch onto anything, not even oil or clothing. That is, unless she willed them to. So, all they did as she sat down and leaned back onto the rocky ground, using her bright hands as pillows, were dance around and create a beautiful, strange sight in the night. She let the energy flow. It wouldn't harm her anyways, and nor would it harm anyone else, because she controlled what those flames did. 

She wanted to get away from this, to just be normal, all over again. Not even to live in the palace anymore, just be the guy that was the Hoenn champion, sitting atop the throne, waiting for a challenger to pop by while she ate luxurious food brought forth by the waiters and waitresses. That was the life.

But nope, Arceus got her stuck here, en route to the Iron Islands, where she had sensed an unnaturally large amount of pulses similar to hers emanating out.

Still, come to think of it, no one would think that she was the lost princess, and the fake news would probably irk all the sides. She needed a way, to find enough power over some land, that would convince people that she was indeed the princess. She had to start small, and take on a process that would need her to be very patient. Maybe even have a daughter in the meantime. She could continue her legacy of being the lost princess. She could be the one to calm everything instead.

On the way here, she had been past the perfect place that would allow for her to commence this grand plan.


Sawyer had his own mind within his grasp again. Thank Arceus. Gecko had taken over for the most part of the day, and now he had finally gone to sleep. Long story short, Sawyer managed to strike a deal with Gecko that allowed for Gecko's mind to occupy Sawyer's body for some time, and the other times, Sawyer would have his body to himself. However, Gecko was protective of Sapphire to the point that he never let go of the controls during the day, insisting that he must watch over the girl, which left Sawyer with only the nights to work with and scribble in his notebook all those newfound facts. On some days, it was okay--not much discovered. On others, he would not be able to get any sleep at all. 

And even if he could sleep, Sapphire's bright blue hands always found a way to wake him up one way or another, or it would be so bright he would not sleep at all.

This had to get better someday. Sapphire had changed herself, by force or by nature, and it felt weird. He missed the kind, laughing girl behind that fierce cover. It scared him, how Sapphire changed so quickly and still seemed natural in that heartless, cold covering, showing no signs of feeling at all, whether it was to what she was searching for or to her ex(?)-boyfriend. All she did was eat, train, eat, train, occasionally talk to everyone, but nothing else. Even Spark had withdrawn himself from her, staying most of the time with Lucario, who almost always looked wistful.


The more she practised, the more she managed to lose herself among the sea that was her power. She could feel herself detaching from her past self, realising what she had to do in this world. She was willing to do so, so that everything would be alright again. But she couldn't just walk up into the leaders of the forces as a girl who claims to be the lost princess. She needed to do something, something that would make people realise her truly. 

Sapphire Aura: PreludeWhere stories live. Discover now