Chapter 2

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Along the way out, Sapphire had picked up some very essential gear to become a trainer: a sling bag, some Pokeballs and a few other odds and ends. Of course, she put Spark inside a Pokeball first, then let him out to ride on her shoulder. Mainly because he wanted to and he complained that the interior of the Pokeball was too small to accommodate him. "You're claustrophobic?" Sapphire laughed jokingly. "I didn't know that." Spark then pecked her face, mildly irritated. "Hey! I was just kidding!"

"Torchic!" Good thing you were! And they both laughed, not knowing what was coming for them.

"Torchic, chick?" Spark asked out of the blue after walking for a little while. Where do you come from? Sapphire pondered that question for a bit before replying what she knew after the memory wipe.

"Me?" Sapphire smiled. "I come from the royal family of Hoenn." Spark seemed shocked at the news. "Surprised? Don't call me princess, though. I don't like being called princess." Spark looked amused at the news. Of course, Sapphire thought. There hasn't been a single princess in all of history that didn't appreciate being called "princess".

They walked on in silence, Spark pondering about how Sapphire was the royal princess (the queen was single as of now) and Sapphire wondering what she should do in this present world with unfamiliar sights and sounds.

That is, until a boy popped out of nowhere and challenged Sapphire to a battle.

"Hey!" he yelled. "I have no idea why I'm doing this, but I challenge you to a battle!"

Spark was probably annoyed by the boy's arrogance, for he leapt down from my shoulder and gently landed on the ground, angrily chirping at the boy. "Chick! Tor, tor chic!" Come at me, I dare you! Sapphire took in a deep breath. From what she had seen of battles, she had to order Spark around as she wished. Which she didn't want to do. She wanted Spark to have freedom.

Still, since it was a rule in battles and she didn't like to lose... she had to comply.

"Pikachu, let's go!" The boy yelled, and the small yellow mouse Pokemon on his shoulder jumped off, electricity crackling from its cheek pouches. "Pika!" it cried. Let's see how you fare with my Thunderbolts!

"Quick Attack!" the boy yelled, and his Pikachu moved at a blinding speed. Still, Spark stood his ground, waiting for Sapphire's command. "Flamethrower!" she shouted, using the limited information she had on the Pokemon. Sapphire knew that Spark could know Flamethrower, or at least learn it in the middle of this battle.

On her command, Spark launched a gush of fire at Pikachu, immediately engulfing him, who obviously had not expected Spark to be this strong. Pikachu was thrown backwards onto a gigantic tree, landing harder than what the boy had probably thought. As Pikachu's limp body slid down and slumped against the huge trunk of the tree, Sapphire thought that she had won.

Until, to Spark and her surprise, Pikachu climbed up, staggering and stumbling. "Thunderbolt!" the boy shouted. Pikachu stood up, nearly losing his balance, and let out a soft grunt. As the electricity from Pikachu's cheeks crackled, Sapphire knew that he was charging up the attack.

Sapphire didn't waste the chance. "Use Peck!" she commanded, and Spark sprang into action, charging towards Pikachu with a blinding speed while his beak glowed a sharp white. "Pi-" Pikachu immediately lost focus, unsure of how to deal with the incoming attack. What the- was the translation of Pikachu's words.

Which was pretty apt. A moment later, Spark's beak crashed into Pikachu's abdomen, breaking the large tree clean into two parts and sending Pikachu flying through midair. "Piiiiiiikaaaaaa!!!" Heeeeeeeeelp!!!

"Pikachu, no!" the boy shouted, and ran towards the direction in which Pikachu flew. Luckily, he caught Pikachu before he hit the ground, which, judging from the speed at which Pikachu was pummelling at, would have broken his backbone.

As the boy stood up and dusted off his pants, Sapphire walked up to him and held out a hand for him to shake. "That was a good battle. My name is Sapphire. It's been a pleasure to meet you." Sapphire recited the greeting that she had used in the palace oh-so-many times before when faced with royal guests, VIPs, parents and other strangers. Although the formal greeting did seem a little out of place when talking to a boy of her age.

The boy didn't seem to mind the formality of the greeting. "My name's Ash. It's really nice to meet you!" he took Sapphire's hand and shook it. "Where do you come from?" He then proceeded to ask the same question that Spark did.

"Oh, from the royal family of Hoenn. But drop the 'princess' bit. Well, yes, I am a princess, but don't call me a princess. I don't like it." Sapphire decided to give a thorough explanation of her background. Still, Ash looked confused.

"I thought the queen of Hoenn is single? Has she married already?" In Sapphire's mind, that question was very out of place.

"Yeah, the queen of Hoenn is my mother. Why do you ask?"

"No," Ash shook his head in disbelief and confusion. After clearing his thoughts, he asked. "Do you know who Sir Aaron is, then?"

"No," Sapphire replied with a blank stare. I had never heard of anyone named Sir Aaron before.

"What?!" Ash exclaimed. "You don't know him?!" Torchic and Pikachu seemed to say the same thing with their expressions and the speech they said in Pokemon language.

But heck, that was totally true! Sapphire thought. I really have no idea who Sir Aaron is!

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