I, Haven, has invited 2 people in the only place I can be in peace. This is just how stupid I can be, or am I just too kind? I have a crying boy here, and the other one is just there chilling. Although, it's pretty chaotic. I'm kind of getting used to this... Getting used to not being lonely. My family is very far away, and it was my choice to move far away. I just never thought how lonely and isolated it can be living alone with no one there to be with. I have penji, but I just wish he can speak English fluently... Penji and I are working on his pronunciation right now. "Right, Penji?" "Hrr?" "....a lot of work..." I just noticed that Penji has gotten weaker compared to before, and he didn't even finish half his bowl. He doesn't really want to go for a walk these days as well, I need to bring him to the vet tomorrow. Well, he has been my dog for about 14 years now. For dinner, I made pasta with broccoli for all three of us. "Guys, I made food" They didn't seem to hear me, and focused watching the tv. "... guys.. I will gladly eat everything if y'all just gonna ignore me like that" Ali replies "oh. Huh? Oh yay, food" She grabs her food from the kitchen table. Jae also replies with "UGHGHHGH BRING IT TO MEHHHH!!!" I got pissed off "Y'know Jae, I appreciate what you did for me for the date... BUT ya need to shape up." He gets mad too "JUST GIVE ME THE FREAKIN PASTA, GURL!!!" "FINE!!!" I said back I angrily gave him the pasta I made for him. "Ali and I will make you and Yuro make up." "What's the point? He's not trying to find me, so maybe he doesn't even care about me anymore."
We hear a knock on the door.
"Could it be?" Jae says hoping it would be Yuro. I opened the door, and it was just the neighbors kids playing pranks. I can tell cause I can hear their giggling. "KIDS!!! I will tell your parents about this, and I will make them take away your toys." I shut the door, and when I turned. I see Jae crying even more. All the tears and snot starts to drip out from his eyes and nose. "H-Haven... I miss him, but I'm scared... IM SCARED THAT HE DOESN'T LOVE ME ANYMORE.!!" I go up to him, and hugged him. When I hugged him, I notice Ali just eating her pasta minding her own business. I whispered "Ali, get a bucket of ice cream and a spoon in the fridge." She whispered back "Okay."
Once again, there was another knock on the door. Jae gets up angrily and stomps to the door. He opens the door violently. "YOU CHILDREN ARE SONS OF A B-...." When I went to Jae who seems to look calmer, I checked who knocked on the door.
"Omg. Yuro..." I said
"Hey, Haven, I came here for my Jae." "Y-your Jae?" Jae whispers "Yes, you. Jae, my one and only" Jae begins to tear up even more. Yuro grabs Jae's face and kissed him on the lips. "Mmm...mm... Y...Yuro..mmm!!"
Ali holding the ice cream and I standing on the sidelines kept watching those two going at it.
Yuro finally stops kissing Jae, and he said "Jae, I'm sorry about that fight... you know that I'm sensitive about that subject..." "Sniff... no, I'm sorry. I'm the one who wasn't thinking." They both laugh it off, and Yuro carries Jae princess style.
"Bye, Haven and who ever you are. I'll be taking back my Jae." Jae blushes "Y-yuro." "We will also take Jaes stuff back tomorrow morning so don't worry about it." Yuro closes the door and ran away with Jae.
Ali still holding the bucket of ice cream and spoon. "Well, that was weird..." I said "yep" "That means it's gonna be only you and I now" We looked at each other, and turned away from each other's gaze immediately.
The incident that happened between us appeared in my mind. "Well, I don't mind you being here so... yeah" "Same here." Ali says We look at each other smiling, and continued eating our pasta.
=1 hour late=
Ali and Penji are already sleeping, and I thought of getting some water. I went to get the glass until I heard Fords voice. When I opened the front door, Ford was right there wearing his typical black and white style.
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"Hey, Haven." "Hey Ford. It's already 11:40 pm, why are you here?" "Hmm... you see, I just wanted to talk to you." I hesitate and blushed "Oh-oh ok, come in." I let him sit on the couch, and gave each other a glass of water.
"Y'know what happened between Ali and I right?" "Yep, she broke up with you." "Hehe.. yeah, I was supposed to break up with her, but it seems she's braver and faster than me." We both laugh quietly.
When it was just silence now, Ford and I look at each other closely. Ford held my hand softly, and looked at each other more.
I gently leaned on his shoulder because of how comfortable it was to hold hands in this quiet room.