I sit next to Ali awkwardly on the couch. I don't know what to say, now that I plan to break up with her. We dated for about 2 years now, but the only intimate thing we did was the.... cough... Anyways, When should I tell her? "Hey Ford" Ali says with a grave face. "What is it?" I answered back. She faces me, and looked at me eyes to eyes. I gulped not knowing what she's going to say. "Well, um... I..." Ali hesitates "Ford, let's break up." "What." "I'm sorry, Ford, I know you love me. I... I just don't feel it anymore." "What." "Sigh... Ford, I love you and I hope we can stay friends." "What. Oh...oh ok. Sure." Ali stands up and walks to the bedroom, while I stare at the tv in disbelief. I was supposed to be the one breaking up with her.
I walked into the bedroom, and closed the door. I whispered "I did it, I broke up with him." He seemed so sad, I feel bad. Well... It's my fault for realizing that I've fallen for someone else, so I guess this is for the best. I took my stuff and packed it all in a luggage. For some reason, I start tearing up. We had so much fun together, and yet in a few months... All that love has disappeared. I have also realized that sex we've been doing isn't love, but only sexual desire...
I packed up, and went out the bedroom. Ford was still sitting on the couch, and I went up to him. "Thanks for everything.." I said He looked at me, and said "I thank you too for being here with me all this time." We both smiled. I gave him one last kiss on the lips, and went out the door. I walked to the apartment next to ours. I rung the doorbell, and she opened the door. "Hey, Ali, What are you doing here?" "Hey, Haven, May I stay at your place?" "What?"
*stares at the tv* Maybe she realized that I've fallen for someone else, or was she just playing with me. Why would she want to break up with me? I'm so confused.
"Oh ok, come in." I wonder why she thought of my place, instead of her other friends. Her clothes were pretty revealing today, I feel kinda aroused by it.
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I kinda feel embarrassed about myself... only wearing a simple shirt and shorts.
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"Thanks Haven." Now that I think about it, the amount of people living in this apartment is increasing. "Oh Ali, the person who's sobbing on that couch is my friend, Jae." "Hello!" Ali said "H-hi... sniff.... hic." "Just don't mind him, Ali, he had a fight with his boyfriend." "Oh.... ok" I noticed Ali had a distant face when I mentioned boyfriend, could it be... he broke up with her?
"So Ali, What happened?" "Well... should I tell you?" "If you want to live here, might as well tell me." "Ok, I'll tell you." We sat together on the kitchen chairs, then I prepared tea for the both of us. "So...?" "Ok. I-it's just... I broke up with Ford.." "What." I thought Ford was the one who broke up with her. "Yep, I broke up with him." "Why?" "Well... Y'know... I don't feel anything between us anymore." "O-oh, I see..." "Yeah, also because I found someone else." "What." "Yep, I found someone." "Why don't you live with him then?" "He? Oh yes, he. Uh... well, I'm still thinking about living with him.." "Ah ok, then you can live here, I'll show you your room." "You have another room?" "Yeah, just in case." I feel bad for Ford, but he wanted to break up things with Ali. I guess he's okay with it then... I showed her her room, and helped her with her stuff. I heard a scratching noise coming to where we are, and I knew that it was Penji.
"BARK BARK!!" "OMG!!! It's PENJI!!!" Ali shouted She kneeled down, and they start playing together. I sat on the floor to watch them play, and I notice that Alis smile is very bright. I wonder what toothpaste she uses... When Ali suddenly stood up, Penji accidentally tripped her. Making her fall to my direction.
She fell on top of me, and we both look at each other. I notice I started blushing, and she starts to turn red as well. Ali went closer to my face, but then she turned the other way. She stood up. "S-sorry" "It's okay." I said After the awkward silence, we bursted out laughing. "Haha.. I'll prepare dinner, you just keep yourself comfortable." Ali replies with "okay"
I went out the room, and ran to the kitchen embarrassed.
I blush like crazy... Why did I go closer to her?! That just made it even more awkward!! Although... She did smell like lavender, and she had beautiful brown eyes... Will I even survive? Sigh I looked at Penji, and patted his head. "Good job, Penji."