Ford parked his black jeep, and we both went into the mall. He asked if we can go eat first, and I said sure. This restaurant is a sushi place, and I love sushi. He got a table for two, and pulled the chair for me. We both ordered water, and he ordered the meal for me. After he finished the orders, we chatted a bit.
"So... what are you planning to give Ali?" "Well, what would you want?" "Hmmm... if it were me.. I would like cheese pizza with no mushrooms." He chuckles "of course you would say that."
I took a good glance at him and I realize that I don't really know him that much .
"Ford, can you tell me more about yourself?" He hesitated, but he told me everything about himself anyways. "Well... I'm half American and I don't the other half." "Other half?" He gives me a forced smile "Well... it's complicated" "Oh okay."
Then he continued on...
He said he never met or heard of his father, and his mother was the only one who supported him. He finished his studies early, and became a computer systems analyst. He also said he's 5"8, and that he's very handsome. "Handsome?" "Duh, don't you see it?" He starts posing with his hand on his chin.
I suddenly feel very hot, and turned away from him. I looked back at him and Just as I was about to speak, the meal arrived. The first meal was Yi-sushi which was basically sushi with eel on top. I look blankly at the meal, and Ford notices.
"What's wrong?" Ford asked "I.... I don't like eel..." "...."
We both look at each other awkwardly, but he suddenly starts laughing out loud. I blush like crazy, and started to playfully hit him.
"STAHP IT!!! I JUST- I DONT LIKE IT!!!" "HA... OK.. HAHA..O-OK..." he laughs more. The table next to us started to give us that 'shut the eff up' face, so I just quietly drank my water while watching him enjoy his eel. Then the next meal came, and it's tempura! Finally, something I like! I was about to dig in until he said "WAIT!!"
He got the wasabi and put the whole thing on one piece of tempura. "Eat it and I'll do whatever you say only for today." "You piece of sheet" I said
I ate the whole tempura covered wasabi in one go, and I got the water right away.... when I was about to drink the water, I realized that I drank the whole glass of water. I panicked, and started tearing up.
"GIB MEH WATUH!!!" I shouted "What was that?" He said while laughing I slapped his head, and took his glass of water. I gulped it all down like I was about to die. "I hate you" "Well hey, now I have to do whatever you say." "Oh right... hehehehe" "Now I'm kinda scared."
We finished our meal, and he paid it for me.
When we exit the restaurant I asked "Does she like jewelry?" "Hmm.. yeah, so we should get her a necklace or something?" "Yeah! Let's go get one, maybe like a necklace!!" "Wow, you're more excited then me." He said
We went to the jewelry shop, and he told me to choose one that looks the prettiest to me. I didn't like the flashy ones, so I chose the simple yet pretty one. It's a round purple pendant with gold chains.
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"Ford, about this one?" "You like it?" Hmm? Why is he asking me? "Well, I do think it's pretty" "Okay, let's get it then." It costs about $50, I just hope that it's enough for Ali. "Then we're done getting Ali a gift?" "I guess so..."
"Hmmm... let's go to that shop?" He asked He pointed at that shop, and went inside. I don't know why we were here since it's a women's clothing shop. He chose some clothes and told me to change into it. He chose a white blouse and black skirt. "Why should I?" "Just do it." "I thought you have to do what I sa-" "It's a surprise" So I changed into it, since I'm curious what this surprise is.
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I went out of the changing room, and he noticed me. He started to blush a lot, and said I looked cute. I began to blush too. "I-I'll pay for y-you." "E-eh why??" He chuckles "just let me pay."
I let him pay, because I didn't want to cause a commotion. After shopping, we exit the mall. He said he wanted to go to the park, and so we did. As soon as we went out his car, he grabbed my hand. We ran to the bench, and sat on it. He was still holding my hand even though we weren't running anymore.
"F-Ford, my hand..." "Haven, when I first met you... I noticed right away that you're different from any girls I've been with..." "What are you trying to say?" I asked "W-well, Alis birthday gift was just an excuse so that we can go on a date. I also chose your clothes so that it'll match with the necklace." "But What are you trying to say??" He laughs "I'll tell you someday."
He told me turn around, and I just did what he told me to do. He put the necklace on me which was the same necklace we got today. "I thought this was for Ali?" "Nope, it's for you." I turn red "but... well.... ok.. th-Thank you..." "It's okay since I'm planning to break up with Ali." "Eh?? Why??" "Well, it's because I feel that we aren't meant to be." "I..I see..."
we just sat quietly on the bench, and looked at the beautiful blue sky. Then when I looked at him eye to eye... I told him... "Kiss me" His face turns red "W-what?" "well, you are supposed to do whatever I say"
I close my eyes, and I feel him getting closer to me. When I was expecting a kiss on the lips, he kissed me on the forehead. I opened my eyes, and I look at him.
"Y'know, you're cute when you're brave" he said.
I turned red, and I saw him turning red too. We look away from each other's gaze. "Cough...We should probably go back to the apartment" Ford said, and I told him "yeah, let's go." We arrived to the apartment building.
We said bye to each other, went inside our apartment, and that's how our day ended.
"Penji? Jae? Are you still listening?" "Oh, they're already asleep" I turn off the lights, and had a good night sleep.