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Yeah, anyway. I just wanted to update you guys on how I was doing!
And I'm doing okay! I messed up my knee, but I'm okay!

Now for those who are still confused, I will try to explain some stuff.
So basically, in this universe, people are able to fuse with crystals, therefore making them Crystal Bearers.This is a Voltron esc story, but not completely. (There's also some Steven Universe mixed in)
So Shiro is the Jet Crystal Bearer, and yeah, he's basically the universe's punching bag. (You'll get more on that later)
So he and the others have to go do some weird shit, battling the Galra and such, which ultimately ends up Shiro somehow accessing the Diamond Dimension and getting his crystal shattered. (And kind of dying. But he gets better!)

Now who would like some MEMES?!

Now who would like some MEMES?!

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Hahahahhaha- M O O D

Hahahahhaha- M O O D

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Now enjoy this lovely video

By momozerii on YouTube

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