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"GIVE ME BACK MY SHOE, DUMBASS!" gilbert's eyes opened wide when he heard his friends screaming from his kitchen. he fell asleep while editing again. he sighed and got out of bed to see what was happening. clark had jerry's shoe and was running around the island. "CLARK, I SWEAR TO-oh hey gilbert-JUST GIVE ME THE DAMN SHOE!" he finally threw it to him and walked over to the half-asleep boy.

"sorry to wake you sleeping beauty but we have some things to work out." clark grunted, taking a sip of his coffee. "what do we have planned for this week? i think we should take some sick pics at the pier!" he ran his fingers through his light brown hair.

"well, tomorrow josie asked me to help her film her new unboxing video because her camera is broke. it's not definite though." jerry said looking up from his computer.

"i am down for anything. i was just editing monday's video and passed out." gilbert rubbed his tired eyes. "anyways, i'm going to hop into the shower. do not eat the lucky charms! those are willow's and she will kill you! i'm looking at you ethan!" ethan held his arms up in defense, acting like he wasn't going to eat them.

gilbert shuffled through his playlist on youtube as he jumped into the shower. after a few rap songs, a very calm ukulele strum came over the speaker. 'this is beautiful.' he thought while washing his hair. the song was soon over and he replayed it, three times! after he got changed, everyone was looking at him. "what, can't a man enjoy the ukulele?"

xavier was filming something on snapchat with ethan. "so, today's video will be up in five minutes! anything to add gilbert?" he aimed his phone towards him. he shook his wet hair everywhere. "thanks man! very cool!" everyone was laughing. "so, are we getting food? because i am so hungry!" he sat on the counter top.

"in-n-out and maybe some filming around the area?" charlie asked. the guys agreed and went to their favorite place, filming a little bit too. they also ran into fans wearing their merch.

the sun was beginning to set and gilbert decided to head home. he walked opened the door to an empty house. willow was on set working on her new movie, "summer paradise", which was being filmed in philadelphia. so he never got to see her that much, leaving him alone at night.

he grabbed a bag of doritos and headed towards his room. throwing his shirt off, he jumped into his king size bed. the whole house was silent. it's usually filled with people at 7:35 on a thursday but not today.  he opened the bag of chips and clicked on a youtube video he was watching earlier. "anne-shirley cuthbert? hm." he clicked on her channel and saw many more videos of her singing with her ukulele. "editing can wait." after watching all her videos and almost eating the whole bag of chips, he put his phone down. "god, she has a beautiful voice. i wish she uploaded more." he smiled and put his phone down.

he opened his laptop and finished editing his video with willow. he uploaded the video and posted about it on all his social media accounts. gilbert refreshed twitter and saw fans tweeting at him to a news account. he read the tweet to himself. "seems like gilbert blythe is a fan of anne-shirley cuthbert and her covers." it showed his recent post with anne's video circled that he had watch."i better say something or else people will think something is up. he tweeted something saying he was a fan and left it at that. he scrolled through his instagram when he saw anne had tweeted him back. for some reason his heartbeat sped up. he didn't know what to do. he was lost in thought until willow called him.

he didn't really want to talk to her so he just let it ring. both her and charlie texted him but right now gilbert was focused on finding anne's instagram. after three minutes, he found it and clicked follow. after a minute she followed him back. he smiled and put his phone down to go to sleep.

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