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"marilla, you do not understand! this school is beautiful! they already want me there too!" today was the last week in california and anne did not want to leave. she started to look at the school clark told her about and really like it.

"anne, i will not leave you in this city alone! i have seen too many weird things and a teenage girl like you cannot handle it!" marilla was packing her bags. glancing over at the letter anne had gotten from the school. "i still cannot believe you went to that school alone and asked them if you can attend! you must really want to go here?"

she just nodded, too many emotions were taking over her body to talk. happiness, excitement, sadness. you name it, she felt it. "i want to meet with them. give me their number, if i like them you may be able to stay."

she screamed. her screams filled the hallways of the hotel. "I AM NOT BEING MURDERED, I AM GOING TO MUSIC SCHOOL!" she banged on diana's door. "DI, I AM STAYING WELL, HOPEFULLY! I-" diana's face showed both happiness and sadness. "diana, what's wrong?"

she just smiled. "i am so happy for you, it's just i won't be able to stay. it was hard enough to convince my mom to come out here for two weeks let alone the rest of the year!" she took anne's hands in her own. "anne, my love, i am so proud of you! you will become the biggest star and i will always be your manager! you're gonna be a star, kid!" she brought her best friend into her arms. "let's go tell ruby and jane!"

they ran to the door next to diana's. "GUESS WHO IS-JERRY?" there he was, one of gilbert's best friends, making out with one of her best friends. "uhhh, i am staying in california!" all four had red faces. "we are just g-going to leave." they ran out, awkwardly laughing with each other. "oh, i have to tell gilbert! he's going to be ecstatic!"

"i bet." she laughed.

"what's that supposed to mean?"

"it means that i see the way you two look at each other. you two got a little something something going on. he clearly has a crush on you!" she winked, leaving her friend's face redder than before.

"w-what? no, no! he has a girlfriend, w-willow, and they are in love with each other! we are just friends!" she began to type the boy's number in.

"yeah, friends who text everyday and every night! friends who look at each other like they w-"

"shut up! we are not-we will never-i mean-i have to call him! see you later!" she walked into her room, perching her phone up against her laptop. "hey gil! oh are you busy? i can call you back." he was walking around outside.

"no, i'm just out with willow and autumn. they are getting us food. what's up?" he winked, causing anne's stomach to drop.

"well, you know how clark brought up that music school?" he nodded. "well, yesterday i talked to them and i got accepted! but then i had to talk to marilla. she was pretty unsure but i am staying!" she squealed.

"anne, that is amazing! i am so proud of you! this is amazing, you staying with us in cali! sucks you aren't here because if you were i would give you a huge hug!" both blushed a little. willow's voice was heard in the back, calling him. "listen, i have to go but i will call you later! see ya, carrots!"

"carrots? oh you are a dead man! bye, blythe." she threw her phone across the room and jumped on her bed. "GO ME! GO ME! GO ME! I DID IT! I DID IT!"

"uh, anne. you didn't hang up!" she saw gilbert's face still on her phone. "bye, weirdo."

are you guys liking the story? i feel like it sucks lol.

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