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gilbert's day has been rough, to say the least.

stuck in meetings all day, planning out his filming schedule, trying to run on three hours of sleep. friday just wasn't his day. full of stress and tiredness, all he wanted was a break.

meanwhile, anne's day was perfect. going to class, hanging out with sawyer after. the pair have been dating for almost three months. her channel has become more popular, after the whole dating rumors.  she was verified on twitter and youtube. she extended her content to vlogs and storytimes.

but the one thing that would cross her mind, gilbert. he hasn't been talking to her as much as he used to. she gets it, it gets busy being a company owner and making videos. she just wish he would stop by her dorm and say hi like usual.

"anne, everything okay?" her thoughts were interrupted by sawyer's voice. their eyes met as she nodded. he interlocked their hands and she just continued to stare out the window. she texted gilbert a few days ago and he still has responded.

as her phone rang on her lap, she hoped it was gilbert but got even more excited when she saw it was diana. "DI DI BABY!!" she could almost cry. it's been five months without diana. five months too long. "what's cookin, good lookin?" sawyer popped his head in for five seconds and waved.

"SAWYERRR!" she screamed. "anne, i miss you! i just did my science project and thought of you the whole time! plants always remind me of you!" the girls went on talking for a few more minutes until they reached sawyer and clark's beach house. "okay, call me later! be safe! love you!"

anne was signed out for the rest of spring break to stay with sawyer and she couldn't be happier. they unloaded their bags and walked up the stairs. "i'll go start a fire. you put your bags in the back room!" she walked the halls to see pictures of baby sawyer. she took a few pictures and placed her bags down. it was about an hour drive to the house located directly on the beach. she soon joined the boy, taking him in her arms.

"wanna play some songs?" he nodded, grabbing his guitar from the living room and her ukulele, the blue one painted with mixed flowers. "the smiths? there is a light that never goes out?" he nodded but before he could play, the door opened.

"sawyer?" clark was with cole. "i didn't know you would be here. we were planning on staying too, if that's okay?" they both nodded as they began to sing. clark started a fire and cole cuddled up to him.

sawyer and anne always played together. it was sort of an important thing in their relationship. cole started to go live, joining in at some parts as clark also filmed. as the song ended, the sun was about to set. sawyer stood against the balcony. "wanna go watch the sunset at the beach?" the sun hit his face perfectly.

"sure but after i take this." she pulled her phone out and snapped the most beautiful picture. "let's go!" as they headed to the beach, anne hopped on sawyer's back. they settled at a place close to the water. they laid side by side, admiring the pinkish sky. she looked over at the boy who was deeply admiring her. "thank you, for all of this. i wouldn't want to spend my spring break with anyone else." their lips collided for a minute until he broke off.

"come with me on tour." those words struck anne like a train. tour with sawyer? but she has yet to finish high school. "i know this is short notice and all but...i love you. i want to spend as much time as i can with you." she laid back on the towel, replaying all that just happened. what will marielle think? what would the world think?

"i love you too." she blurted. "but i need time to think, talk things over with marilla. talk to my counselor about school but i'll let you know right away." he smiled and kissed her with much passion.

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