Chapter 8

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I thought the chapter was rushed so I decided to rewrite it hopefully it's much better then the last one. 😊😖

A cold breeze blows through the old wooden floors making Maddey shiver and curl into the bed more. Her eyes focus on the wall as tears flow down her cheeks. Thoughts flood through her at the memory of Michael getting off on her causing her to press her thighs together. She closes her eyes waiting for him to come back, waiting for someone to rescue her, to escape from this nightmare. Another breeze flows through the window making her shiver once again before slowly getting up.

Her eyes focus on the silhouette in the doorway, making her freeze. The black emotionless eyes stare at her figure before taking a step towards her. She flinches causing him to stop in his tracks and remain at the door. They sit there staring at one another before Michael resumes his steps again.

"Come back for m-more.."Her voice breaks causing Michael to freeze again. It's silent for a moment before she speaks up again. "Michael...t-this isn't can't do something this big with someone who hasn't consented." She says making Michael tilts his head. "Please Michael....please....I-I want to go home...." A few tears escape as she looks away until a warm hand touches her face making her look up. Her eyes focus on his mask as he wipes the tears from her eyes. His heavy breathing being the only sound in the room.

They sit there for a few minutes before Michael stands up, she watches as he walks to the door before looking back at her. She sits there before hesitantly getting up taking slow steps towards him. Her eyes stay to the ground as she feels his burning gaze on her back before stopping. She listens as he continues his steps to another room causing her to follow before entering. Her eyes examine the room as a sink and bathtub come into view.

The sound of water catches her attention making her look toward Michael. She watches him before clearing her throat. "Y-you want me to have a bath?" She asked only for him to nod. Her throat goes dry as the thoughts of him trying something enters her mind. "Michael I-I want to go pls.." She says taking a step back causing Michael to tense. Her back hits the door causing Michael to take a few steps towards her quickly. Her eyes widen at this quickly turning on her heel and throwing the door open. His hand roughly grabs her arm and pulls her towards him slamming the door shut.

"L-let go! Michael please!" She cries trying to get out of his grip only for him to throw her to the ground. She looks back to see him standing solidly in front of her only escape. "I'm not getting in the tub." She says looking away making Michael clench his hands. Heavy footsteps catch her attention as she turns to see Michael walking towards her angrily making her back away into the side of the tub. "Wai-" She was cut off by Michael yanking her up to her feet before aggressively grabbing her shirt and ripping it open. Fear hits her as memories of the closet flood into her.


Michael releases her causing her to move to the corner of the room. Tears slide down her face as she clutches her ripped shirt closely to her chest. Michael sits there stunned, heavy deep breaths of rage coming from him before he slowly turns to face her. She stands there frozen watching as Michael's hands shake knowing to well that he was going to kill her. "Why are you doing this..."She says in a whisper. "Why?....why me?....I did nothing wrong!" She cries angrily. Michael tenses watching her shake not from fear but anger.

"G-go on then finish what you started, rip my clothes off, rape me, keep me locked up only to have your way with me again and again.." Her voice getting louder out of anger. "J-just...kill me...." She says making her voice break. Michael watches as tears stream down her face again and again.

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