Chapter 1

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It was a beginning of an early Monday morning, a young girl rushed out of her house ready to begin her first day at her new job only she was fumbling with her key, reversing her white Honda out of her driveway and quickly hitting on the gas towards her destination.

"First day of work and alarm clock doesn't work, great first impression Maddey!" The young blonde said ashamed with herself forgetting to set her alarm clock on. "I'm so going to hear about this when I get there" she worried thinking of what her boss is going to say. She pulls up to Smith's Grove, parking and quickly rushing into the doors before pressing the lock button on her car keys.

Maddey walks in discarding her coat, putting her uniform on and finally fixing her hair into a loose bun. Quickly walking out trying to get to her bosses office fearing what Dr. Loomis has to say for being late, she reaches the door twisting the knob and turning it, her anxiety getting to her. She opens the door only to face a older man, greyish-brown hair, slightly bald at the top, sitting looking down at scattered papers on the desk.

"This is not a good start Ms. Winters" The man said looking up to her gaze removing his glasses and rubbing his face. " I'm so sorry Dr. Loomis, I accidentally forgot to set my alarm clock..I- I..." she said beginning to stutter and becoming more panicked, Dr. Loomis chuckled making Maddey look at him calming down. " It's alright dear just try not let it happen again" he said standing up and grabbing a few papers putting them into a folder. " Oh..I promise it won't happen again" she said quickly feeling relieved holding her notebook close to her chest.

" Well we better get to it then don't want to keep the patients waiting, we have lots to do today" Loomis said clearing his throat and walking out the door with Maddey following behind.

~2 hours later~

" You've been doing really well with the patients, you sure you haven't done this before?" Loomis questioned with a smile looking to the blonde. " Well before this

I worked at a retirement home with my mother and would often work with a lot of the seniors there, so I guess I do sorta have some type of experience" Maddey smiled, looking ahead. They continued chatting before reaching the cafeteria doors, Loomis opened the door walking in, Maddey slowly walking behind before looking around at the patients. Some were eating lunch, socializing, others quiet or yelling random things, to patients rocking back in forth and restrained to wheelchairs. She continued to scan the area until her eyes came upon a man in the corner staring at the window away from all the other patients.

He seemed to be in his 20's, heavily built, with shoulder length dark brown hair, she kept her eyes on him. Who was he? He's like a statue, is he even alive?!, all these questions kept swarming in her head the longer she looked at him until she felt a hand on her shoulder. She turns her head to see Dr. Loomis looking ahead until he speaks.

"That my dear is "It" I've tried reaching it for years only to get no response, no movement, nothing. Who knows what goes on in its mind but I know for a fact that it's truly a thing of pure evil that lives inside of what was once human. It has the blackest eyes, the devil's eyes"

Maddey listens looking towards the man until finally Loomis retracts his hand and turns.

"I have some papers I have to sign now, we will continue our sessions together after lunch." With that Loomis left the room leaving Maddey standing there before scanning the area for an open spot to sit down until she found her eyes land on one table particular only to notice that the man was there. She began walking towards the table keeping her eyes on him until she reached the table before slowly putting down her notebook and taking a seat keeping her eyes on him.

She kept her eyes on him until she looked away realizing how weird and rude she was being but she was so hooked on him..he was...different. She opened her notebook to a blank page and began sketching to try to distract herself only to look back at him. What is wrong with you Maddey? She was getting frustrated on how he had a hold on her, it was like a spell was casted on her, she just couldn't help on how he intrigued her.

She took a quick glance around to notice that a lot of the patients were gone, she looked back at him and took a deep breath getting up from her seat she walked towards him. Slow steady steps were taken until she was directly beside him, before taking a seat next to him. There was a moment of silence before she spoke up.

"Hi" she greeted with a smile. "My name is Maddison but everyone calls me Maddey" her smile growing.


She frowns for a second only to look outside to where she assumes his eyes were.

"It's beautiful out today....I wish it could be like this everyday" she sighed smiling more.


"When I was young, my parents would take me to beach when it was like this...we would play games, make sand castles, collect zebra mussels, there was this candy store that we would go to and I would always buy the huge jawbreakers" she giggled. "It was good times." She smiled before turning to face him only for her body to freeze...he was staring right at her.

She could fully see his face now he had a strong defined jaw, scars were littered across his face, defined eyebrows, high cheekbones, what caught her the most was his dark brown eyes that were almost black, he showed no emotion and seemed to be looking right into her soul. Her heart was beating rapidly. He was gorgeous. She seemed to be locked into his gaze feeling trapped fear coursing through her too afraid to move. Looking into the black void she could've swore she saw a spark in his eyes until a voice snapped her out of her trance.

"MADDEY!! WHAT IN GOD'S NAME ARE YOU DOING?!?! Dr. Loomis yelled making her stand up and look in his direction. "" She was stuttering until she looked back to notice that the man was back to his original position of a staring into nothingness. Dr. Loomis grabbed her arm roughly and tugged her out of the room.

The cafeteria doors slammed shut, Loomis turned to face her still with a strong hold on her arms.

"What were you thinking Ms. Winters, you could've been killed!" The doctor said making Maddey bow her head ashamed. " I'm sorry, I was just checking up on him to see if he needed anything...I didn't know..I'm sorry.." Loomis sighed rubbing his head before looking back at her.

"It would've happen sooner or later, seeing that it's your first day." He inquired. "I need you to promise me that your going to stay away from him if your going to continue working here, otherwise I'll have to advise you to start looking for a new job."

"It won't I promise sir" Maddey said quickly looking desperately into Loomis's eyes. The man nodded fixing his suit.

"I hope so anyway we better get back to our last few patients before the day is over" he said turning, Maddey looked towards the cafeteria doors before joining his side.

"Sir?....W-who is he?" She spoke looking towards the man, Loomis kept walking making her look down.

"Michael....Michael Audrey Myers" he replied. 

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