Chapter 10

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The sound of many different noises of machines fill the room of darkness. Listening to the noises and his steady breathing Nick squints allowing light to meet his gaze before hissing at the burn. With a grunt he sits up and tries to open his eyes as pain flows through his body making him grit his teeth.

His eyes scan the room looking over the machines and tubes attached to his body before looking over the stitches and bandages crossing his body. A sudden click of the door catches his attention as it swings open and a man in a brown trench coat steps in.

"I see your finally awake, your really lucky to be alive." The man says reaching in his pocket pulling out a cigar. Nick stares confused before placing his hand on his head.

"W-where am I..?" He says gritting his teeth as he looks towards the man. "And who...are you?" The older man pulls out his lighter lighting his cigar before looking towards him.

"Oh where are my manners, My name is Dr. Loomis I'm a psychiatrist at Smiths Grove. Your in a hospital as you can see after nearly you and Maddey were killed." Nicks eyes widen as he hears her name slip from Loomis's mouth.

"Where is she?! Is she okay?! I need to see her?!" Nick rambled trying desperately to get to his feet only for Loomis to hold him down. Loomis looks at the man with sadden eyes letting go of his shoulders.

"We don't know where she is..." Nick sat in the bed shocked not knowing what to say. Missing? His brows furrowed trying to comprehend what the man said.

"I know it's hard taking this in but we're doing the best we can to find her no matter what." Nick gazes at his hands remembering the promise he made to her but his thoughts wander to Michael. The white emotionless mask images itself in his head as he remembers the strength he overpowered him with.

"He took her...." Loomis looks towards Nick with confusion lacing his face. "That bastard took her..." Nicks voice growled with anger as Loomis eyes him.

"Michael is a mere shape of what was once human, he holds no emotions whatsoever and kills without any second thoughts. Michael is not one for kidnapping he kills and that's that." Loomis says making Nick look towards him with anger.

"Did they find her body?! A heaping mess of blood with her limp body on the floor?! He says tears threatening to fall. Loomis pauses before clearing his throat. "No they only found you."

"She's not dead I know she isn't." Nick said looking toward him. "And I'm going to find her." Loomis shook his head. "Your in no condition to look for her you need to focus on getting better." Nick clenched his fists.

"No I need to find her, who knows what he is doing to her." Loomis sighed shaking his head. "Me and the sheriff will be looking for her. I promise you we will find her, now rest." With that Loomis stood up and left making Nick let out a frustrated sigh.

"I promise I'll find you Maddey no matter what it takes." He whispered laying down before closing his eyes drifting off to the land of sleep.

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