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"Jack, wake up. Jack, why are you still sleeping," asked Isac.

Jack mumbled something, but the words didn't come out of his mouth. Isac inspected the markings on Jack, and he winced at them.

"Mike, is there any antibiotics in here," asked Isac.

"Nope, I don't think so," responded Mike.

"I mean what did they do to him," sobbed Isac, "Why did they have to do him like this?"

Mike was beginning to get tired of Isac's babbling over Jack. He wished that Isac for once would care about him like he cares about Jack. Mike was really getting fed up with being ignored by Isac.

"Yo, Isac, leave him alone. I guess they've already taken care of him. You've been sitting there all day with him," sneered Mike.

"What has gotten into you lately," snapped Isac.

"You know what's gotten into me lately, so why do you have to ask?"

"Are you jealous of Jack? What reasons do you have to be jealous of him?"

"I see how close you're getting to him. You spend more time with him, than you do me."

"Jack is sick. Also, Jack has never been in an environment like this before. This is his first time being in a place like this. I made it my mission to help him cope with living here until someone purchases him. I mean we all are going the same way, Jack just needs somebody that'll help him gradually get used to his new environment. That's not a reason to be jealous of anybody, and if you're jealous, then you have problems," snapped Isac.

"You treat him like a baby. It irritates me so bad," sneered Mike.

"Mike, why don't you stop being an asshole?"

Mike got mad and threw a punch that connected right with Isac's jaw. Isac stumbled back and wondered what has gotten into Jack.

"Mike, this isn't anything to fight about," shouted Isac.

Mike didn't listen, he preceded to throw punches that connected with Isac's abdomen this time. His punches hurt so bad, that it sent Isac falling to the floor. Isac was curled in a ball on the floor whimpering. He then began to kick Isac across the floor.

Jack was hearing whimpering from somewhere. At first, he thought it was him, but then he realized he was hearing Isac's voice. Jack turned his head slightly to see what was going on. He saw Mike on top of Isac throwing punches in his face. Jack hated that Mike was doing that to Isac, because after all, Isac is the one who was there for him since day one. Jack neck was in soo much pain that it felt as if it was dislocated from his body. Jack couldn't turn his whole body around due to all of the sores and scars. It would hurt too bad.

Jack opened his mouth and quietly mumbled, "get off him."

Mike looked up at Jack with anger and hate in his eyes, as he continued to punch Isac. Isac, was whimpering in so much pain that Jack felt his pain with every whimper he made.

"Mike, get the hell off of me," snapped Isac, as he struggled to throw Mike off him.

Pushing Mike off him was going to be difficult, because Mike was as stout as a bull. He had the determination of a lion trying to get its' prey. He also had the temper of a pit bull. Mike didn't know what had gotten into himself either. The only thing he knew is that he hated Isac giving Jack so much attention and felt like he was being left out and ignored. Mike soon got tired of beating Isac and left him in the floor unconscious.

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