Evil Nurse

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Jack awakened groaning in pain. He noticed he couldn't move at all, and he knew that it had to have been from the drug they gave him. His broken hand was in a chain pinned to the bed, to prevent him from moving. Jack glared around searching for a way to get loose but found out that he was cooped in a small cell. The cell was like a dungeon. It had a foul odor of a corpse that has been sitting out for a month. There were silent beeps from a monitor inside the dark room. Jack noticed a bag of IV fluids hanging, and in his right arm. He knew that his plan to escape was going to be postponed, until he healed that'll be if they ever let him out.

He tried calling out for somebody, but his mouth was muzzled with duct tape covering it. Jack began to worry because he thought that he was only supposed to be being treated for his injury. He wondered what other reason would they have him in this area bound to the bed. Jack's face was face down to the cover and sheets. The cover and sheets smelled old, and like they haven't been washed in years. Jack later noticed the black leather straps that were on his body, and noticed his clothes were missing. When Jack found out his clothes were missing he screamed even though he knew he probably wasn't going to be heard.

Suddenly, the light came, and a man entered with needles and other things that Jack didn't recognize. Jack recognized the man from earlier the previous day when he injured his hand. It was the man that examined his injury. Jack still didn't trust him because he was being kind and gentle to him. Jack tried to shout but forgot that he was wearing a muzzle. Jack just wanted to call him every name in the book, but he knew that it was pointless because it wouldn't solve anything. The man grinned at him revealing his white shiny teeth. Jack didn't like the smile on the man's face. It was the most devious and conniving smile that Jack has ever seen before.

The man made his way to a table to place the items on a table. His gray eyes glared at Jack, staring at his body up and down. The man couldn't help himself, because Jack was one of the most handsomest man he has ever seen before. He was only supposed to be there to change his bandage, but clearly, he had other intentions with Jack.

"I've come to change your bandage," said the man.

Jack didn't respond, because he knew that the sounds from his mouth were only going to be muffled.

"I'm your nurse, and I have to change your bandage three times a day. I have to clean the wound to make sure it heals."

Jack blinked his eyes several times at the thought of the man being a nurse. He then began to think that the man's field explains his gentle nature. Everybody there treated him rough except for this nurse. Little did Jack know, the nurse had a dark side to him. The nurse has murdered several boys Jack's age once they were sold into the positions and tried to escape. He was just using the nice act to fool Jack.

The nurse took the bandage off Jack's hand and slowly began to clean the wound.

"You know, Jack, your injury is healing," said the nurse gently.

Jack just blinked his eyes in response.

"Maybe when your wounds heal we can have some fun, or maybe we can have the fun now," said the nurse as he slowly began to peel his clothes off him, revealing his heavy muscled body.

Jack began to squirm but found out that he was bound to the bed and couldn't move.

"Don't worry. I'm not going to hurt you. I promise I'll be gentle with you," said the nurse, as he climbed onto the bed with Jack and lingered over his body.

Jack shrunk back into the soft mattress, because he didn't want to mate with this man. Jack was tired of being raped over and over. Jack just wanted to be with someone who would truly love him. He didn't want someone who constantly raped him and pretends that everything is ok. Jack was being psychologically damage from the abuse he's encountered since he has been sold into prostitution. He just wanted to be free from everything, but the sad part is that he doesn't even know where he is.

Jack swallowed as the nurse grey eyes stared into his blue eyes. The nurse didn't want to force himself on Jack. He knew that if Jack didn't give in soon that he'd end up forcing himself on Jack. The nurse placed his soft, pink lips on Jack's lips and slowly began to part them with his tongue as his kiss deepened. Jack didn't want this from the nurse, but his body was telling him something completely different.

"Stop," Jack's voice muffled, as the nurse continued his kiss.

Jack began to moan in pleasure, but he still wasn't willing to let the nurse mount him. His breath halted as the nurse kisses deepened on Jack. Jack tried to push the nurse away, but his wrist was bound to the bed.

"You might as well enjoy this, because you can't move that much," said the nurse, "If you try to pull the tough card, I have a needle to give you another injection. Just lie back and enjoy every minute of it."

Jack growled at what the nurse told him. He tried to squirm even harder, but the ropes were to tight on him. The nurse placed kisses all over Jack's body, and even biting him in some places. Jack howled at the pain from being bit by the nurse. The nurse licked the blood the spread on Jack's skin from his love bite. Soon, Jack was covered in kisses and love bites from the nurse.

The nurse began to pull off Jack's underwear, and Jack tried to get up and run. However, he was pulled back down to the mattress.

"You can't move, so just enjoy it," whispered the nurse in Jack's ear.

"Help me," screamed Jack.

"Help me," screamed the nurse mockingly, and then said, "Nobody can hear you here. So, you can scream, holler, and yell all you want to; but no one is going to hear you."

Jack began to cry again, because he didn't want this nurse inside of him. He just wanted to find a way to escape these perverts, and never look back in this direction again. Jack noticed the nurse's abnormally large dick. Jack instantly noticed that he wouldn't be able to take all of him inside.

"If you stop moving, I'll be gentle with you. I'll make it as painless as possible, but if you keep rejecting it, then I won't be so gentle," said the nurse, as he inserted his fingers into Jack's asshole.

"Owww," growled Jack.

"Shhh," said the nurse, as he kissed Jack letting him know that he was okay, "Are you ready?"

Jack just stared because he knew what was coming. After one hump, Jack's body sprawled into the air.

"Jack, be still," growled the nurse in a whisper, as he held Jack down by his waist.

The nurse sat up, and grabbed a condom off the desk, and smiled and said, "I almost forgot this. I can't leave evidence that'll get me fired."

The nurse slipped the condom on, placed his hand back on Jack's waist to keep him stationary.

"The more you move, the more it will hurt. If you don't want it to hurt, then be still," the whispered in Jack's ears.

Jack closed his eyes preparing for what was about to come next. The nurse muscular arms pushed Jack's thighs opened further. He quickly thrust himself inside Jack and maintained control because he wanted Jack to feel everything and enjoy it. Jack whimpered loudly, which turned the nurse on even more.

"Owwww," whimpered Jack, "It hurts. I can't take it anymore."

He began to squirm, but the second he squirmed, he squealed in more pain. The nursed didn't listen despite Jack's protest. He kept shoving more of himself inside of Jack. Jack was sure that his asshole was burst from the large dick that was forcing its way inside him. Tears streamed down Jack's face from the pain he was enduring. His body began shaking while his breath became shallow. The nurse noticed Jack's tears and licked them from his face, but he still held on to him firmly. He didn't want Jack to be in pain, so he went ahead and thrust the rest of himself inside of Jack.

The nurse began to reach for his pocket knife on the table beside the bed. Jack growled at him, because it hurt when the man moved while he was still inside of Jack. He cut the ropes that bounded Jack's ankles, to allow him to have more room. Jack again tried to move, but the slightest movement of a muscle caused him pain. He whimpered loudly, and just wished it was over. Little did he know the nurse was a long way from being finished with him. 

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