Costa Rica

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When the plane landed in Costa Rica, Isaac and Ellena were already off the plane waiting on their taxi arrival while Ronald tried to wake Jack. Jack was fast asleep and wasn't willing to budge and go anywhere. Ronald poked him with a needle and Jack sprung to his feet. Ronald smiled and guided Jack through the narrow path way of the airplane. They spotted Isaac and Ellena at a Baskin Robin's in the airport and went and joined them.

"We thought y'all were going to stay on the airplane," exclaimed Isaac.

Jack just smirked in response because he knew it would've been possible.

"Well, we didn't think y'all would fly off like birds either," said Ronald with a chuckle.

"Ronald, hush your mouth, and y'all take a seat," smiled Ellena.

Jack was surprised to see they already ordered their ice cream. He raised an eyebrow and starred.

"Yes, we knew y'all would probably come so we ordered two more bowls," said Ellena.

"Thanks," said Jack

After they finished the ice cream they went their separate ways, taking a different taxi. Ronald was wanting to take Jack to the carnival, and he hope they didn't come across Ellena and Isaac there. Ronald wanted more alone time with Jack and didn't appreciate Ellena and Isaac showing up everywhere they went.

"Jack, the taxi is here," said Ronald, as he tugged Jack towards the door.

Jack was too busy staring at a painting on the wall to move on his own. When they got to the taxi Jack lied his head on Ronald's shoulder and began to sleep. Ronald nudge him to wake up, but Jack just groaned and fell asleep. He didn't want Jack to be half asleep by the time they arrived at the carnival.

The taxi slowed and came to a stop in front of the carnival. It wasn't long before Jack recognized where they were and sprung out of the car. Ronald asked the taxi to be back around ten pm, so he wouldn't have to wait on a ride back to the hotel.

"Wait a minute, Jack," Ronald called out to Jack.

"Come on, I want to get on that ride," exclaimed Jack.

Ronald was glad to see that Jack was all excited. This was the second time he saw Jack smile since he's been staying with him. He knew that the time to propose to him was going to be here soon, but he refused to tell Jack about it.

"I want to get on the boat ride," Jack exclaimed.

"Are you talking about the ride that goes all the way in the air and back," asked Ronald.

"Yes, let's go."

"Jack, I don't think I can get on a ride like that."

"If I can do it, then you can to."

"Jack, no," said Ronald, as he was pulled to the boat ride by Jack.

"Let's go," exclaimed Jack as he hopped in the ride, instructing Ronald to do the same.

Ronald legs began to shake from the fright he was feeling at the time. He never loved riding those kinds of rides, but he would do anything for Jack. Ronald was surprised Jack grabbed his hand once the ride began. At first it wasn't as bad as Ronald thought, but shortly after the first few movements it began to go higher and higher and higher into the air. Jack began to scream, freezing his vocal chords at the same time. Jack then reached his hands into the air, but Ronald snatched them back down to the bar as they descended. Jack pouted at Ronald but never put his hand back in the air again.

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