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It had been ten years since the death of the Alpha King, Sena's father. Namjoon killed him, so he became the new kings. He ruled with peace and kindness, and not harshness and violence like the last one. But Sen'as is 16yrs now, almost to the "age-stopping" age. Considering the Bullet pack members haven't aged a day. But Sena was getting restless, she had embraced her difference a little too much. She was the only white wolf, with green eyes. The only one to ever exitist. This made her on edge, making her think since she was so unique, why wasn't she the Queen?! 


I growled again as I punched another hole in the wall. I'm getting tired of this, Jin ordering her around.  Jhope was just as bad, Jimin, Jungkook, and Taehyung thinks its just me going through pueberty! Yoongi was one out of the two who at least tries to help me control my anger and strength. But Namjoon, he orders me around sometimes yes, but he really is trying to keep my alpha spirit contained. He knows why I'm like this, and is afraid i'll challenge him, At this point, I just might!!!  

I punched the wall again, but this time I draw blood on my knuckles. I hiss and craddle my fist. I sit on my bed and begin crying. I feel so angry! I want to rule and take control, I no longer can stand the vise-versa! Yoongi then walks in with a a wet cloth in his pale hands and sits next to me. He takes my hand and wraps the cloth around it. He brings his other arms around my shoulders and pulls me in for a side hug. "Sena, you have to calm down, or you alpha wolf in you will explode, and you'll end up being just like your father." He whispers into my ear. "I know, but its hard to control it, I just want to be in charge for once." I mumble 

"I understand sweety, but A small wolf pup once told me (paraphrasing here, forgive me) That she understood me, the love and trust I suddenly felt for that broken little girl, with a misunderstood affection by pack members. You made me no longer a steel heart wolf, and I'm sure I can make you a sweet wolf, and out of the anger mess you have." I stared at the floor and let the tears slowly fall off my cheeks. I pushed him off my gently. "You're right Yoongi, maybe you can, but you're too late, I've made my decesion, yoongi, join me or die." I smiled as I looked at him, holding out my hand. He looked at me, feeling upset, disappointed, and defeated. But it seemed like he didn't have a choice..."I'll let you think, but i have some buisness to take care of." I chuckled as I walked out of my room and towards Namjoon's study. 

I burst through the door and I see the rest of the pack, and I knew what they were talking about. "Thanks for not inviting me to a meeting that's about me, kinda makes me feel LONELY!" I growl. Jimin came at me, trying to take me down, to nuetralize me before I got worse, but I was too far gone with my desicsion! "oh no you don't!" I snarled as I flug Jin and Jhope away from me.  

I could feel the alpha blood, my father's blood and his before him, coursing through me, through my wolf, through my soul. Yes, I was happy the evil bastard was dead, that I would no longer suffer because of him, but I didn't want to ruled over and thought a weakling like my mother was, I was to be in charge, no one else. Tae and Jungkook, just stood there, saying with their eyes that they weren't going to fight me or this. Namjoon just stood at his desk, he stood tall, proud, and calm.   

"You know why I'm here, step down Namjoon, I don't want to fight my older brother." I said with a sincere smile. "You didn't seem to mind hurting Jin, my mate btw, or Jhope." 

"They got in my way, if the didn't come at me, I wouldn't have attacked, you know that." I said with a frown. "I see, but I'm afriad, I can't down without a fight." He smiled. He then snarled and tunr into a wolf, as did I. I snapped at him, and he growled at my disrespect. Jungkook and Tae worked quickly, moving furniture and the other two out of the way as Namjoon and I circled each other. I wasted no time and went for him. I snapped at his flanks, scratched at his face, while basically running circles around him, but he was quick too. Keeping up with me quite well, but not well enough. My plan was to get him to yield, not to kill. He saved me, I wouldn't lower myself to those standards of my father and other before him, but I didn't want power, power my mother never got.  

I finally had an opening as he circled me. He left his entire side open as he ran toward me, but I just ducked and slipped underneath him and went for the back of his neck. Using all my strength just to pinned him down. I tightened my jaw on a muscule that I knew hurt him when he howled in pain. "Yield, NOW!" I shouted through our mind link. He struggled and tried to get free, but the more he did, the more it hurt him. He finally whined once more, then lay still, showing his defeat. I let go of him I helped him up and shoved him toward the others. Yoongi had come in at some point, and Jhope and Jin were awake. I look at them, then the rest of them shifted into their wolf forms and bowed. Male alphas you howl, females, you bow. I felt pride grow in my chest. Namjoon knew this day would come, so did the others, but thy never expected it so soon. But Know I had my chance, to be an alpha, a queen, a leader.

Outcast , feared pup (BTS X child reader Wolf AU) (completed)Where stories live. Discover now