Just a game

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Butch P.O.V. She was pissed off at what I did. She wanted an explanation for why I kissed her. I didn't want to tell her but she finally calmed down. She was so beautiful but I didn't want to lose her . So I lied and said, " It was an accident I swear." she looked at me with those beautiful emerald eyes and it didn't look like she was too convinced. "Really that's your excuse?" she said as she was starting to get annoyed. " Yeah because it's true" "Whatev-" she was cut off by a huge crack of thunder. We were too busy fighting to notice that the storm clouds had formed again. She jumped as another sound if thunder came through the air. But when she jumped this time she jumped on me and made us both fall onto the ground. She was scared again but this was worse than last night. She was so scared she held me tight like she didn't want to let go. To be truthful I wished that this moment would never end. But she finally realized she was on me and quickly climbed off me. " Sorry" she said with a nervous voice. " We should probably get in the hideout unless u know we want to get soaked by the rain" I said as I was walking towards the hideout. She quickly followed after me. We both made it in time for the rain to start pouring out of the dark sky. I looked over at bc. She was nervous and u could tell. But she also looked cold. She was shivering from head to toe. I got up and walked over to some blankets that we kept there. I grabbed a lime green blanket and took it to her. "Are u cold?" I asked. " Yeah I guess" she replied as I wrapped the blanket around her. After that I went over to the other side of the cave and sat down. We sat in silence for a while til bc broke it. " So I'm bored. What do u want to do?" she looked at me waiting for an answer. " Idk." We sat there for a minute. Then she said, " How about we play that game again but this time I'll tell u where to go." she started to blush a bit. " Umm ok." I said not sure what she was up to. "OK so u know what to do" she said in a sweet voice that she didn't use that often. I closed my eyes waiting for that beautiful voice to say hot or cold. " OK I'm starting walk towards my voice Butchie " did she just call me 'Butchie'?!? I just shook it off and walked towards her voice. She only used her sweet voice which was weird but I loved it. I felt that I was in front of her. I heard her stand up. Then she said, " Pucker up Butchie". I felt my cheeks get warm. Really warm. But I finally did what she said but when I bent down to kiss her she punched me right in the face. I fell backwards and landed on my back. " WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT FOR?!?!" I yelled as I held my face. She busted my lip. Blood was pouring out. She came over to me and bent down and said, " That was for kissing me. And for being an idiot thinking that I would kiss u" she then got up and walked over to her seat. She sat there staring at the dark gloomy sky. I got up walked over to my seat and sat down. We sat in silence for about 15 minutes until she broke it and said, " I'm sorry I guess shouldn't have punched u in the face. I should've punched u in the gut." she said that then laughed a bit. I loved her laugh. Even though she acted tough all the time doesn't mean she can't have a sweet beautiful laugh. " Yeah well I guess I did deserve it" we both laughed for a minute or so. Then the thunder came back and scared me and her both. I looked at her and she looked at me. Her eyes grew big as the storm got stronger. The wind grew stronger and made everything in the hideout fly everywhere. We looked at each other and i said, " WE HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE NOW BC!!" the wind was loud so I had to yell for her to hear me. She looked at me and nodded. We both ran out of the hideout. But just stood there looking down at the city. Apparently mojo decided to try and take over the world with a weather machine. How did we know well he was in the park. I looked at Bc and was looking at mojo and let's just say that she was going to beat the shit out of him. She was pissed. This was going to the fun.

I didnt mean to. I promise(Bc x Butch only)Where stories live. Discover now