Buttercup's P.O.V

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I want to start off by saying thank you guys so much. I just realized that this book is nearing 100 votes. I'm so glad that u guys like this book. I try my best to make this book good  I really do. And u guys should know that when I'm happy I cry. And I'm crying so much because I'm so happy. Also please listen to the song I picked out. I love that song so much and I also love night core so yeah. Alright let's get on with the story.


'Where am I? Its so.....dark and I'm cold. I'm supposed to be at the hideout waiting for Butch but I don't even think I'm at the hideout. Wait!! I'm supposed to meet Butch there!!! He's going to be so worried. I got to get to the hideout but where am I?' I opened my eyes to see I was in a dark room. I looked around to see if I could find a door or any means of escape. After a minute of looking around, I finally spotted a metal door in the far end of the room. I tried to stand up but failed. I looked down at my feet. They were tied together with some old looking rope. I tried to move my hands to untie it but they were tied together behind my back. I tried to loosen the rope around the wrists but it didn't work. 'Fuck! How am I going to get out of here if I can't even untie myself?! Damnit!! Its starting to hurt when I'm trying to loosen it. How did I even get here? WHERE THE FUCK AM I?!?!' I screamed in my head. Then I heard footsteps. I quickly looked up and saw the door slowly open. A tall figure stepped into the room and closed the door behind him. He slowly started walking towards me. He had something with him but I couldn't see what it was. "Welcome Buttercup to my experiment room." He said excitedly. 'Experiment room? Who is this guy and why am I in an experiment room?' I asked myself. "You might be wondering who I am. Well my name is Dr. Hellvicday and I work for the KiKi family. You see the daughter is a big fan of you. She loves how strong, confident, and well kind I guess." He said with a chuckle. He placed whatever he brought with him on something metal judging by the clinking noise. "T-then why am I-I here?" I forced myself to say. "Well...she loves you so much." He paused for a second. "That she wants to be you." He finished. I was confused and wierded out at the same time. I mean who would want to be me . They don't know what I've been through! I heard footsteps walk back to where the door was and then suddenly the lights flickered on. I looked at the doctor. He was tall, had short messy golden brown hair, wore black rectangular glasses, blue eyes, and he wore khakis with a red button up shirt that he left unbuttoned at the top and finally to top it all off a white lab coat.

I looked around the room and saw many beakers filled with different chemicals. There were also some different lab tables that were probably used for different kinds of experiments. I heard the footsteps start walking towards me so I looked up and the doctor coming near me with a small device filled with liquid. He grabbed my arm harshly and injected me with the liquid. I then started to feel dizzy. The last thing I saw before I blacked out was Dr. Hellvicday picking me up.


Hey my lovlies! Hope u liked it. Again thank you to all my readers. I love writing this book and I love getting all these wonderful comment telling me how good I'm doing. It means a lot to me really it does. I think I'm going to do two more chapters but don't worry I'm going to make a sequel to this one. Well you guys know what to do. Vote , Comment , and Follow for more amazing stories. Let see if I can get to 100 votes. I love u guys! Bye my lovlies!!!❤

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