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To my few true fans

You know who you are

For checking on this collection

To make sure I'm not far



I'm sorry I've been gone

A few days or so

But the pressure is on

This you don't know


For the past couple of nights

I'd stare at my phone

I'd turn off the lights

Then I'd draw a blank


As nothing came to mind

I sat in the dark

Waited for a topic

For which to embark


So I went to the bathroom

I pulled down my pants

I took a thoughtful shit

In the mirror I glanced


I stripped to my underwear

Put on pandora

Looked in the mirror

Then looked twice more


No I'm not skinniest

I know that

Neither am I the prettiest

That's opinion not fact


But I was in my bathroom

No cameras or eyes

To see what I did

Those fateful nights


As the music played

Seeking into my toes

Then rose to my head and up past my nose


I started to dance

Yes dance in the mirror

I made myself laugh

And it couldn't be clearer


I'm a silly person

Sometimes I get depressed

Sometimes I don't care

And other times I'm too stressed


But no matter the day

I'll always be me

And that's why I write poetry


To keep it short and to the point

These rants I do

Aren't for you guys to enjoy


They're for me to talk

To say how I feel

And haters to me don't exist

They aren't real


I can't stand bullies

But to my Few true fans

I love you to death

You're my best man (ma'am)

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