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In a land, lies two kingdoms.

The first kingdom, was the kingdom of fairies.

The second kingdom, was the kingdom of humans.

For many centuries, these two kingdom swore to protect each other, thus having peace within both countries.

The fairies, were a race who has the abilities of all elemental attributes.

Light, darkness, land, fire, wind, and water.

Fairies were deemed as one of the most powerful species because of this attribute.

They were a sacred race that mustn't be tempered with.

But as years past, other kingdoms found the fairies to be a threat to humanity.

They decided that the two kingdoms must be destroyed.

Soon, war broke out.

The human kingdom did their very best to protect the fairies, but to their avail.

All fairies were killed.

The young prince of the human kingdom took the young fairy princess and escaped.

The prince hid the princess to a sacred place where no evil was allowed to enter.

The prince still had to save some other people so he had to return back to the war.

The princess tried to stop the prince from his recklessness, but the prince was determined to save his people.







"I have to return!" The prince turns back away from the princess.

"It's dangerous too go back!!!!" Pleads the princess.

"No I have to; I can't let the others be killed."

The princess started to cry.

"Princess..." The prince felt like a part of him was being cut off when he saw the princess in this state.

There was a moment of silence, until the prince reached out and took the left hand of the princess and placed a ring with a beautiful emerald embedded in it to the princess' index finger.

"Hold this for me while I'm gone. When I return I will retrieve it back, so until then please take care of it for me."

The princess looked at the prince, half lidded eyes still overflowing with tears.

"Don't cry, I'll be back."

"I promise."

With that the prince headed back for his people.

All the princess could do was watch as the prince' silhouette disappear.













"And then???" Ask a little girl.

"Well the story doesn't continue any further, it doesn't say if the prince is dead but there is a high chance that he did."

"But that's not fair!!!! What will happen to the princess!?" Cried another girl.

"Yeah!!! Their promise! What about the princess!? Did she die as well???"

The two little girls couldn't help but demand for an answer.

"The princess survived because she was transported to another world, and until now she's still keeping hold of the promise between her and the prince."

"But, what if the prince really died? Plus she got transported to another world, she won't be able to go back to her world, she must be really lonely now."

Footsteps was heard from the staircase behind the shops counter.

A Red haired teenager, wearing a simple school uniform was seen, and was also wearing a unique ring by the pinky.

"Anyway you girls should get going or else you'll be late for school." Huffed the middle aged lady as she closes the story book.

"Okay, we'll be back for more stories Kyoko-san, see you later!!!"

"Bye bye."

"Be careful on your way."

As the sight of the two girls disappeared, the lady faced the teenager.

"You'll also be late."



Prologue is done, what do ya think bout it?

the story is off to a bit of a dramatic start, but I actually planned for it to be just random and weird~~~

well hope you liked it~~~

Kingdoms' Trail / 王国の跡 (REWRITING)Where stories live. Discover now