Chapter 6

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Chapter 6. Back

"Akari!!!!" Shouted a familiar voice.

"Oy Akari, wake up!!!" Shouted another familiar voice.

I opened my eyes to see Yuuto and Shouto in front of me.

Am I back?

I sat up and felt a pain on my lower right abdomen.

Oh yea I was shot by an arrow.

"Sheesh, we need to get that treated. It's just a graze, but we better disinfect it quick."

"Are you ok Akari? We just finished our work in school, when we headed home we saw an shounen jump magazine by the road leading towards this forest. Just what on earth were you thinking going inside here and then collapsing." Said Shouto.

"I'm fine, I just heard a sound so I curiously followed where it was coming from. I didn't expect that Id fall to a pond though." I scratch my head.

"Pond?" Ask Shouto.

"There aren't any pond." Stated Yuuto.

"Eh?" I look behind me.

The pond was gone.

What happened?

"C'mon, lets head back. Kyoko-san will be worried." Yuuto pulled me up.

I'm really back then. I asked the two what day it was and they gave me a weird look.

They asked if I also hit my head.

Then that means it's still the same day.

The two forced me to go to the clinic to get the cut on my lower right abdomen disinfected.

Somehow I was glad that the arrow didn't really pierce through it.

If it did, I wouldn't know what to explain to the two.

After that I went home.

Hana-san seemed to have gone home, Kyoko-san still wasn't back.

I didn't have any appetite so I immediately took a bath.

After that I flopped down to my bed, reminiscing about the events earlier.

It's not a dream right?

Leo-nii is still alive.

Then that means the others might be alive as well.

I raised my left hand and stared at the ring.


Why now?

How did I return?

Why did I return?

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