Chapter 9

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Chapter 9.

I woke up from the sound of birds chirping.

Trying to move my body, I felt someone's arms wrapped around me, restraining my movement.

When I opened my eyes, I was surprised to see Leo-nii sleeping beside me.

I recalled what happened last night and smiled fondly at his sleeping face.

I caressed his face as I admire his facial features. I rubbed my thumb at the bags under his eyes, it made me happy and sad at the same time from what happened last night.

Suddenly, he took my hand and kissed my palm.

"Good morning Roux-chan." Leo-nii says while smiling.

"You should've said something if you were already awake." I said as I pouted.

"I was expecting you'd give me a morning kiss just like when we were little." Leo-nii teased.

I immediately blushed from his statement and pinched his face.

"That was before. That's too childish." I said while face flushed.

"No it isn't. I would really love that to happen again." Leo-nii smiled fondly and kissed my hand again.

A sudden thump was heard behind us.

"Shhhh! They'll hear us!" Shushes a voice.

"But I'm hungry! I want to eat breakfast!" Complained another voice.

"No 'but's'! Give Akari-nii sama and Leo-nii sama some time!"

"But it's already late! Akari-nii and Leo-nii can do that later, food can't wait!"

"Every second is important to them! Can't you read the mood!?!" Exclaimed the first voice louder.

It was awkward with me and Leo-nii as we listen to their conversation.

Leo-nii chuckles and looks at me with a smile as his eyes darkened.

"Loki-kun has a point, we can do this later. Right, Mommy?" Leo-nii teased seductively as he kissed my palm again then licks it.

This time I couldn't handle it and immediately stood up.

Of course, Mari and Loki were surprised to see me suddenly stand up.

"We can hear you two!" I look at them embarrassed and face flushed.

I head over to the kitchen and immediately started to prepare breakfast.

My mind still couldn't take what just happened.

"That surprised me! Akari-nii suddenly stood up."

"It's because you disturbed them!" Mari angrily scolded her older brother.

"No I did not!! Hmmm? Why's Akari-nii's face red?" Loki asks.

"Hahaha, how cute." Leo-nii says as he sits up from the couch.

Mari went and dragged Loki towards Leo, and stood in front of him.

"Leo-nii sama, please forgive us for disturbing your moment. Don't worry, you'll have Akari-nii sama all to yourself once we get to the castle." Mari grabs Loki's head and bowed their heads together.

Leo was dumbfounded from what Mari just said.

Akari was even redder and choked from his own spit from the child's statement.

Loki freed his head from Mari's grasp and the two started to argue.

A sudden whistle came from the front door calling the attention of the four.

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