Chapter 1

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Chapter 1. Memories

"You'll also be late princess."

"Kyoko-san please don't call me princess."

The teenager says irritated.

The teenager changed their slippers to a pair of rubber shoes.

"Well I can't help it, it's true though."

"Geez, that story. That's already like 11 years ago!! And what do you mean by 'until now the princess holds her promise'??"

"In denial are we? Says the person who recently stared at the precious ring the other night and also stared at the beautiful moon hoping to return to their world."

Kyoko stood up and raised her right arm while her left hand was on her chest, chanting how romantic the princess was.

"Guhhh" the teenager groaned.

"Stop peaking at me when I'm in my room!! I also told you to stop calling me princess!!!!"

"Oops, well then our little prince." Teases Kyoko.

"Sigh* I'll be really late now because of you. Gotta go now, bye." The teenager rushed out of the shop.

"Yes yes be careful, don't forget to buy the groceries I listed." Kyoko reminded.

"Ok I will."

"Don't forget ok Akari!!!!!" Shouted Kyoko as the teenagers back disappears from her view.

Yep that hag there is my aunt Kyoko-san.

And yes I'm a boy named Akari, pretty girly name huh.

I was five when I arrived in this world, my memories were hazy so I couldn't remember much. I woke up and the first thing I saw was my aunts face.

I was confused and asked many questions regarding about what place I was currently in and who she was.

Auntie explained to me without sugar coating her words and even though my memories was still hazy and I couldn't remember much, as I heard her explanation I felt tears trickling down my cheeks.

Of course since then I tried to live as a normal child, I was told to conceal my ability which I understand very much when auntie explained to me how this world works.

It was hard but I got used to it, I stayed with my aunt in Tokyo city and I spent my elementary and middleschool there.

Well actually in the middle of my third year of middleschool, we had to move here in the countryside.

During all my years in Tokyo, my memories really didn't come back to me. Only bits by bits, some only appeared in my dreams.

Well that is until when I was introduced to games.

I was amazed with how they managed to grasped how my world works, well I can't really tell since I stayed there for like 5 years only, so I still haven't learned much about the trivial things while I was over there.

But I was still satisfied, I remembered all my memories because of it, and I became addicted to the games. There I learned that even though I can't be in my world, then even if it's only in a computer I'll be satisfied.

Well truth be told, 70% of me actually just played it for fun.

I wondered if I returned to my world, would there also be a status box that would appear in front of you.

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