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I walk down the street and stop to send a text.

Hey I'm her...

In the middle of writing the message I feel someone grab my hips, I let out a scream before turning around and punching them.

I sigh, relived what it's just him, and out my phone away. "What the hell was that for?" He touches his nose to see if any blood is coming out, which there is none.

"You scared me!" I playfully slaps his arm.

"Ah, I think you broke my nose." He groans as he tilts his head back.

I take a step towards him, "I did not, let me see." He hesitates and steps back. "Oh my god just come here." He reluctantly let's me look, after examining it I gently push him back. "It's not broken, not even bruised."

"Well you have one hell of a right hook... I didn't think you'd show."

I my eyes as his attempt at flirting, "Honestly neither did I... so are we doing this or not?"

He steps closer so he's in my face and looks down at me lips before looking back at my eyes. "Only if you tell me your name first."

I lean forward as if I was going to kiss him but instead I whisper into his ear, "Not a chance." Before pulling back.

He sighs, "Your such a flirt, you know that. Right?"

I smirk, "Never stopped you before. We need to hurry if we're doing this, I have to be somewhere tomorrow."

"Ok, fine. Take your pick." He motions around us

I glance around, looking at each car deciding which looks the most fun, after a minute I choose the matt black BMW. "That one." I point to it.

He nods his head in approval, "Good choice, now go get it."

I look back at him, "Uh I thought it was your turn?"

He shakes his head, "No last time was my turn."

I groan as he hands me a bag full of supplies. Looking both ways, making sure no one was watching, I cross the street and make my way to the car. I carefully pull the handle, to my relief it opens, and there is no alarm blaring.

"This is too easy." I mutter under my breath before getting into the car, I then pull out a screw driver from the bag and pulls the access panel off before cutting the wires and connecting the right ones.

The car roars to life. Yes. I look over at him and give him a thumbs up before sliding into the passenger seat. Once he gets into the car and smiles at me.

"You finally did it." He teases.

"I'm the one who showed you you ass."

Just as he's about to pull out we hear someone yell. "Hey! What are you doing that's my car?"

We take that as our cue and speed away, after we're few blocks he slows down.

"That was a close one." He said and I nod in agreement.

After a little while we hear sirens and then she flashing red and blue lights m. Shit I'm dead. He starts driving crazy but he eventually loses them, he turns back to look and see if he actual lost them. Suddenly I'm thrown forward but thankfully I'm wearing my seatbelt. I look out the windshield to see the front of the car smashed in and smoke coming out of it.

"You ok?" He asks.

I nod. "I-I think so. Yea."

We hear the sirens again and both unbuckle ourselves and run. We see dumpster and quickly hide behind it.

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