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Slinging my bag over my shoulder, I stand grabbing my water bottle and take a big gulp o rehydrate.

"Keep up the good work girls," the cheer couch called after us as we made our way out of the gym.

Struggling to open the door due to having my cheer bag and my school bag, suddenly it's her open I look up and see Jai and smile, "Thank you."

"You looked good doing that stunt," she complimented while holding the door for me.

"Thanks, so did you."

"We should hang out, I need help on the dance routine," she said as we started waking down the hall.

I narrow my eyes not believing a word, "Shut up, Jai. You're a dancer."

We come up to the door and I see Rowan and Elisia our in the courtyard, sitting in the bench.
She nods before turning her head to face me, "You're right but that's my way of telling you that you need help."

I nod, "Sure, I don't think I can this week maybe next Monday."

She nods and starts backing away, "Sure, I'll see you later."

Pushing the doors open and walking over to them, I drop my bags on the ground before sitting in between them.

Rowan pulls something out of her bag and shoes it to us, "I went through Trevor's backpack and I found this."

"Looks huntery." I say.

"Right?" Rowan agrees.

"Yeah, it's a rifle scope. My uncles used to take me shooting." Elisia explains.

"Hunting season." Rowan comments.

I sigh, "Officially open."

"Could be him."

I nod, makes sense, "Yeah, he hates us."

"I just don't know why."

"Neither do I."

Hailey walks toward us, I groan grab my bags and move closer to Elisia, and one. Again throwing my bags on the ground.

"A note in my locker, really." Hailey said in a monotone voice.

"Well, you're not answering your phone so welcome to the 90's." Rowan jokes before taking a sip from her water.

Hailey hesitantly sits next to Rowan and sighs, "I'm just saying the three of you together give me anxiety."

I scoff, "Yeah, okay. We're the ones who give you anxiety."

"Elisia got a message, ok. She basically got attacked."

"Someone in a bunny mask shot at me with a paint ball gun." Elisia stands up, lifts her shirt up revealing a huge purple bruise.

I gasp and get up to examine it, "Why didn't you call me?"

Elisia shrugged, "I don't know I wasn't thinking."

"A bunny mask, I saw someone in a pig mask and a monkey mask." She gasps.

"And you didn't tell us?" I said.

"When?" Rowan asks.

"At my audition. they drove off in a blue truck. I didn't want to say anything."

Rowan scoffs, "Yeah ignore, ignore, ignore, we get it."

"You should've told us, you might not want to know about this and be indial but we don't." I snap.

Rowan runs a hand through her hair in frustration, "Trevor's a hunter so he probably has a paintball gun."

"Should we leave town." Hailey suggests.

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