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Having spent most of my free period in the library, working on her English assignment with Zoe, I silently groan and slam my binder shut, already fed up with this assignment.

"I'm done, Zoe."

She sighs and closes her binder, "Fine, just one more question."

I rolled my eyes and slumped down into my chair, "Okay last one question."

"What's the biggest secret you've ever kept from your parents?"

Her question caught me off guard, I stayed silent for a moment, "What?"

She leaned forward with a smile, "You know like drinking, smoking weed, stuff like that but worse."

Having trouble coming up with something I blurted the first thing that came to my head, "I graffitied a wall."

She narrowed her eyes, "Really, I don't believe that's the worst thing you've done."

I was about to respond when the bell rang, "Well this was nice but I have to go now," I grab my and shove my things into it before rushing out of the library.

I pull out my phone to check if I've gotten any messages when someone slapped it out of my hands causing it to fall to the floor.

"What the hell?" I look up and see Trevor standing in front of me with a smirk.

"Sorry didn't see you there, Carrie 2.0." He faked before bumping into my shoulder and walking away.

I scoff at his attempt at a burn, "That wasn't even remotely funny." I roll my eyes and bend down picking up my phone.


After the final bell rang I practically ran out of school and saw Rowan in the parking lot starting to walk in the direction of the church.

"Rowan!" I yelled trying to get her attention.

She stopped, turned around and scanned the crowd until she saw me and waved. I jogged over and caught up to her.

"Are you going to the church?"

She nods, "Yeah, I was about to message all of you to meet there."

I groaned as we began to walk, "Do I have to go, I've had a long day of "talking about my feelings" and being around Zoe, not to mention Trevor slapped my phone out of my hands and called me "Carrie 2.0"

"He called me Carrie. And, yes. You do have to come."

We made it to the church and Elisia and Hailey were already here sitting in the same pew but with a very large space in between them. Rowan and I walked over and sat in between then, Rowan sitting next to Hailey and me sitting next to Elisia.

"It looked so real, like he was dead in the pool and it was definitely him those curls and the message was like flashing on the TVs accidents happen." Hailey explained what she saw last night.

"What if Sean made the video? You're the one who showed me edit tricks remember, real or fake it's hard to tell." Rowan said.

I nodded, "If I saw the video I could probably tell... what if he's apart of the zoo?"

Hailey shook her head, "Well it was obviously fake because he's alive and he didn't make the video, you were wrong about him last time and you're wrong about him now." She defensively said.

I'm begging to get really fed up with her denial, "Well, what was he drugged and someone just so happened to put him in the pool." I sarcastically suggested.

"He didn't have anything to do with it Armani. And the worst part is they must have been following me. They knew where I was walking."

"They're watching us." Elisia stated.

Rowan sighed, "It's like we're their rats trying to get out of the maze."

It was silent for a moment before Hailey spoke up, "Anyways, I got a new phone connected to the world again for better or worse."

Stinger makes his way down from the stage and over to us, "So there's definitely a leader a mastermind behind the mayhem, King Cobra."

"When I saw the video of Sean it said king cobra, I thought it was just another animal name." Hailey said.

"KingCobra's the boss now but he's not the one that started it, I guess that night that Dunbar rakes killed himself somebody took over his Monkeyman account started a threat about five girls ruined his life. made him miserable and ultimately made him kill himself and he says that these girls," he points to us, "You guys. Must suffer, after that comment. Kingcobra took over and recruits people to help out. This is kingcobra," he turns the laptop around to show us, "That's the leader you're looking for. Kingcobra has a specific directions for anyone who wants to help. I see something here about PigMania scaring blondie on the night of her audition and rabidrabit wants to get the little one with a paintball gun but kingcobra says it's not enough just to scare you guys."

"What does that mean?" Hailey asks.

I feel my heart begin to beat out of my chest, "It means we've got a hit on our heads."

"Five girls, do you guys hunk someone else is getting messages?"

"But only four of us were tagged in the shotgun video." Rowan said.

I lean closer to the screen and see something very familiar, "I know that symbol." Hailey and I simultaneously say.

"Me too I just saw it recently. Can I see that?"

"I know that symbol. I just don't remember where." I said.

A while later as we're all gathering our stuff to leave I make my way over to Rowan.

"I'll see you at home, Ro."

She gets a confused look, "Wait, you're not coming home? Where are you going."

"I finally have my last pt appointment." I excitedly say.


"That was amazing Armani, high five."

I high five him, "Thanks Mike."

"No problem, just keep practicing the exercises and when you get back to cheering make sure you're not pushing yourself too hard." Mike explained.

"I promise I won't." I said while picking my bag up.

"Good now get out of here and don't come back unless it's for a visit." He jokes as I walk to the door.

"Okay, later Mike." I yell and walk out the door and towards my car that mom had dropped off earlier.

I get my keys out and I'm about to unlock the car when my phone goes off and I pull it out and see a message from KillerKangaroo. I scoff.

Could they really not come up with clever names.

I opened it and it said, "If only you knew."

I look around at my surroundings not seeing anything and quickly unlock the door before getting on and locking and attempt to start the engine. Suddenly the radio starts blasting music then all the doors lock by themselves.

My heart starts beating out of my chest, This can't be good. I hear a low humming noise coming from the back and turn to see a generator in my backseat, the music somehow gets louder and I immediately try opening the door and unlocking it but it doesn't work. Then I try to roll the window down so I can get out but that doesn't work either

Everything starts spinning and I get dizzy and I really want to sleep, but I resist the sleep and kick at the window attempting to break nothing works. I grab my phone and dial someone
She starts getting dizzy and sleepy and tries. I don't even know who it is due to my bison going blurry before I totally black out.

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