Chapter 41

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"February twenty-eighth," Justin tells me as we're walking from my locker to the cafeteria the following Monday. "Sorry I didn't say something when I talked to you on the phone."

I shake my head. "Don't apologize. I think it was best you didn't say anything. That – That was a lot of news to take in."

In fact, my mind is still reeling. I'm shocked that I was right, but I'm even more shocked that the hospital failed to do the one job it was asked to do. Justin's lost so much time in between then and now. I feel terrible. I wish I could give him back that time. But I know I can't. No one can. All we can do is make sure these moments we spend together count.

Justin shifts uncomfortably. "So...You told your friends about what happened?"

I look at our joined hands. All day, people have been gossiping about us; saying how weird it is for me to be with someone who is so quiet and introverted. It's ridiculous. Just because I talk at school and have friends doesn't mean I wouldn't choose to stay home alone and read a book over going to a random party at someone's house. Just like epilepsy, the concept of being an introvert has been greatly altered. Meaning, just because Justin and I are different in many ways, doesn't mean we don't work together.

"Yes," I reply softly. "But only about the medical side of things like you asked."

Justin doesn't say a word, but he does nod. After we narrowly avoid a cart of textbooks that's been pushed back to the library by a grumpy-looking staff member, I turn my face and look at Justin. He's staring off into the distance. At first, I think he might be having a partial seizure. But I know better. If he were, the stare in his eyes would be blank, very distant. He's thinking right now. And, my God, he's thinking deeply.

"What are you thinking about?" I ask, running my thumb across the back of his hand.

Justin looks at me and sighs. "I'm worried about what your friends are going to think. I rarely get as lucky as I did with you; people usually view me in a different way after they know the truth. Like I'm a timebomb."

I contemplate his words. In a way, he kind of is like a timebomb. I'm not trying to be mean or anything – I love him too much to be mean. But Justin has said that the seizures are so unpredictable that he doesn't know they're happening until they happen. However, just because he is unpredictable does not change who he is as a person.

Stopping, I tug Justin over to the small space in front of the school's café. I drop my backpack to the floor, let go of his hand, and reach up to cup his face. "Justin," I say firmly, staring him directly in the eye. "Yes, you are unpredictable, okay? It's not your fault, nor will it ever be." He tries to look away, but I tighten my grip, being careful so I don't hurt him. "That doesn't change who you are on the inside. You are you. You are strong and amazing and brave. A fighter. Our friends are not going to look at you differently than they did before." I don't mention my outburst or the looks of shame on Jacey and Sophia's faces.

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