Chapter 28

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After school on Thursday, Nadira, Sophia, Jacey, and I all head out to the mall via bus. Due to the fact that Christmas is slowly creeping up on everyone, we know there's no point in driving in because there's a high chance we won't be able to find any parking.

Sophia and Nadira already have dresses because they had their dates planned a long time ago. Jacey and I had been planning to skip out on the Winter Formal and hang out at my place until the others came home. But things have changed within the past couple of days. Justin asked me, and Kaden Evans, the captain of the boys' football team asked Jacey. So now we're both frantically looking for dresses.

Thank God we have our friends to help us out.

"What about this one?" Sophs calls out.

Jacey and I both look up from the rack we're searching. She's holding a hot pink and sparkly V-neck dress that looks like it would barely cover my butt. I shake my head. "Too short." And I'm not a fan of hot pink. I like softer colours. Like the shade of pink the rose was that Justin gave me.

Jacey also shakes her head. "Hot pink with my red hair? I don't think so."

Sophs huffs out a frustrated breath and puts the dress back. "You guys are so picky. This is a really nice dress."

"Yeah," Jacey snorts. "If you want guys constantly gawking at your ass."

My cousin shrugs. "Gotta show off what you got."

I roll my eyes. Sophia has always been bright and vocal, with no fear about showing herself off. She's highly confident and can sometimes act like a total jerk, but she's a good person. I know that no matter what happens between us, she'll always have my back just like I'll always have hers.

To my left, Nadira comes into sight, both hands gripping multiple dresses. "So I don't know what the two of you are really looking for, but I grabbed as many as I could." She stops in front of us and holds an arm out to each of us. "These ones are yours, Jacey. And these ones are for you, Addie."

After taking the dresses, I inspect them closely. The colours range from black to a deep blue to a beautiful shade of coral. The styles differ, but in the end, they all look like they'd at least go down to my knees.

Jacey looks at me. "Try them all on?"

I nod even though this is the part I hate the most. Trying dresses on is one of the most annoying things possible. I've hated it since I was little. In fact, I remember throwing a temper tantrum when I was about four or five because I didn't want to wear a dress to the family Christmas party. That's one of the few times Mom has looked like she was about ready to lose it on me.

The process of trying on dresses takes over fifteen minutes with all the judging we do to each other. The coral shade makes me look washed out. The green dress Jacey tries on makes her look like she's dressed up as a villain from Batman. Some are too short for my liking, others don't fit around Jacey's bust size.

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