First Day

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The first day of school soon rolled back around after summer break and Beca was in no way ready for it. Most of her summer was spent mixing at her board in her room, making originals as well as covers and also some mashups to fill up her spare time.

The rest of the time she was either with Stacie or with her friends. Beca and Stacie normally hung out and were inseparable most of the time growing up. They only lived a couple of streets down from each other, being an only child and with her dad working most of the time, Beca was alone. Stacie only grew up with brothers so when they found each other it became the two of them against the world.

Beca woke up to the sound of her alarm clock telling her is was time to get ready for school. She ignored it at first but soon got frustrated with the noise so she scrambled out of bed and stopped it. She was tempted to walk straight back to bed but her dad called before she could, asking if she was up. Beca groaned and shouted back a quick yes to get him off her back before jumping into the shower.

As she removed each piece of clothing the scars on her body were exposed which sent shivers down her spine. Beca hated these scars, they were a constant reminder of what had happened to her at such a young age and would never be able to erase the memories from her mind.

Nobody knew about what had happened except her dad, Sheila and Stacie. She didn't like opening up, she felt vulnerable and instead she built up these walls that no body could get through.

As she stepped in, she let the warm water soak her skin, and let it run over the ink that was permanently patterned on her body. She washed her body with the familiar smell of mint, then massaged her scalp with shampoo and conditioner before turning it off and wrapping herself in a towel.

She soon dried off and got dressed into her usual black t-shirt, an open flannel, a pair of ripped jeans and black old skool vans that were worn out and muddy. She quickly dried her hair, simply brushed it and let it fall into natural waves that framed her face. Beca raced downstairs to find the smell of pancakes filling her nose and her dad cooking at the stove.

"Hey honey, ready for your first day back!'' Ben, Beca's dad asked excitedly.

"Yep" Beca simply replied before digging into her plate of pancakes.

Ben soon joined her as they made small talk until Beca's phone dinged, letting her know she had a message.

Stacie: still coming to pick me up B?? x

"shitttt" Beca mumbled, checking the time in her phone.

Beca: on my way!!

She shot up from the table, scaring her dad who was reading the newspaper, and headed for the front door.

"I'm late to pick up Stacie!" she yelled, picking up her bag by the front door and left before her dad could reply.

On the way to Stacie's, which was only a short drive, Beca gently sung along to each of the songs on the radio until she finally reached her destination where she found the leggy brunette waiting for her outside.

"Hey, ready for today?" Stacie smiled. Beca simply shrugged, "I guess so."

"You know our old PE teacher Mr Stevens?" she nodded "Well apparently he quit or something so we have a new one this year" Stacie exclaimed "I hope he's hot"

Beca rolled her eyes and sighed "of course you do, when are you going to get a boyfriend instead of jumping back and forth between guys?"

"Having a boyfriend is no fun, I can't be tied down"

"Whatever" Beca waved off, she didn't really care much about boys anyways as she was openly gay.

They finally reached the schools entrance and Beca parked her car. They walked side by side into the old building and headed the direction of their assigned lockers where they were greeted by their other friends, Cynthia Rose, Fat Amy, and Benji.

"Wassup" Cynthia Rose said, "You got your timetable yet?"

"Nope, I'll get it in a minute" Beca simply said.

"What have you been up to this summer shawshank? Any new ladies?" Fat Amy teased

Once again Beca rolled her eyes and flipped her the finger.

Before Beca could speak again, she saw a glimpse of auburn hair from the corner of her eye and immediately turned to face it.

General Posen strutted down the hallways with a teacher Beca had never seen before. To Beca she was beautifully, she had a high pony tail with a few loose strands hanging out effortlessly, her smile was contagious and the sun reflected her baby blue orbs. She was wearing short sport shorts that shaped her tanned legs and an adidas top paired with ankle socks and a pair of Nike trainers.

"Beca? Hello, are you there?" Stacie snapped Beca back into reality as she realised she was staring. Beca was caught off guard when the new teacher smiled at her. Beca smiled back, awkwardly and quickly swallowed the drool the had gathered in her mouth.

"Who's that??" Beca asked, pointing at the beautiful woman.

"Oh that's the new PE teacher replacing Mr Stevens, I heard she just came in from Florida" CR shrugged

"Alright there Shawshank?" Fat Amy asked, snapping Beca back to reality for the second time.

"I'm going to get my timetables, I'll see you later" Beca said, avoiding the question.

Before any of them could say anything Beca left, receiving a mixture of amused and confused glances being exchanged between the group, Stacie soon followed to get her timetable too.

Beca and Stacie saw that they had most lessons together and high fived. She saw that she had PE today and secretly hoped she would have the new teacher

"I can't wait for PE" Beca said, Stacie was surprised but soon realised what she was talking about.

"So you can see my ass?" Stacie shot back, with a flirtatious wink, jokingly.

Beca lightly punched her and gave her an eye roll, something she always did, "Yeah sure" she replied sarcastically. "But seriously thought the new teacher is like... woah"

"Ughhh, yeah yeah you have the hots for the new teacher, you know I bet you can't get her phone number and get her to go on a date with you by the end of the term" Stacie argued.

"Ummmm... 1. I do not have the hots for her 2. I don't know, it seems wrong to bet on a person"

"Is THE Beca Mitchell scared" she teased.

"Absolutely not, fine you're on dude" the shorter girl huffed


"Who's that?" Chloe asked, noticing a mischievous glint in her eye.

Aubrey scrunched her face and replied "That's Beca Mitchell, she's a trouble maker, never does any work, at least in my lessons anyway."

"If you have any trouble with her, you can come to me and I'll sort her out"

"It's ok Bree I think i've got it covered" Chloe winked.

The bell rang signalling it was first period, Aubrey left her outside her new classroom and they separated ways to go to teach their first class of the year.

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