a certain brunette

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"Beca I think you should go" she said, pulling over.

"But my wrist is kinda broken over here" the shorter girl replied.

"I'll call your parents it'll be easier, i don't think it's appropriate me being your TEACHER and all" Chloe emphasised.

"But...b.. you said you wouldn't"

"Please just call your parents, I'll drop you off at the hospital and then wait for them to get there, after that i'm gone ok?"

Beca just simply nodded and pulled out her phone to call her dad, knowing he would not be impressed about interrupting him at work.

An awkward silence fell upon them and neither knew what to say or where to go after what had just happened.

For what seemed like hours later, they pulled up outside the hospital to find Beca's dad, John, waiting for them.

"Beca" she heard the voice from beside her.

Before she could open the door she felt a hand in her arm, which was quickly withdrawn.

"Umm...I need you not to tell anyone and we need to stay away from eachother"

Beca sighed and rolled her eyes before replying "I won't". After she simply opened the car door and walked towards her dad.

Hearing the car door shut behind beca, chloe sighed. Leaning her head against the steering wheel she thought to herself, what the fuck just happened.

"Beca what happened?" John asked slightly frustrated.

"I was at work and a bunch on shit fell on me, it's nothing"

John noticed her daughter still holding her arm, before realising the damage that had been caused.

"Let's get it checked out" John said, resting a hand on his forehead and sighing.

After a few x-rays and 3 hours in the hospital, Beca and John finally arrived home. They found out that Beca had broken her wrist and had to have a cast on and unfortunately for her it was her left hand. 

As soon as they walked into the door, Beca raced up to her room not caring about her dads questions that followed her.

Beca was pissed off, not only because of her arm but because of what had occurred between her and a certain redhead.

She knew it was wrong but every time she thought back to the car ride she couldn't help but smile. Their voices fit together perfectly, harmonising to each word of the track and then the way their lips fell together finding a rhythm that was perfectly in sync with eachother.

She was pulled back into reality when their was a subtle knock at her door.

"What" she said bluntly.

"Do you want any dinner?"

"I'm fine, i'm not hungry"

"Are you sure, you've had a pretty long da..."

Before John could finish beca snapped

"I said i'm not hungry ok"

At this moment in time beca just wanted to be left alone.

"Fine, but don't come down to snack". John knew how stubborn beca was much like him so they often clashed heads.

She heard the door close and was left back to her thoughts. She had all these emotions running through her mind that she decided to put it into her song writing.

Before reaching to the side of her bed to get her guitar, her phone started to ring, it was Stacie.
She decided to ignore it, not in the mood for a girl chat or and explanation of the hookup Stacie had probably just had.

She started strumming the strings whilst humming and tapping her foot, trying to set a steady beat for the lyrics to flow to.

I've been watching you
For some time
Can't stop staring
At those oceans eyes
Burning cities
And napalm skies
Fifteen flares inside those ocean eyes
Your ocean eyes
No fair
You really know how to make me cry
When you gimme those ocean eyes
I'm scared
I've never fallen from quite this high
Falling into your ocean eyes
Those ocean eyes

She never wrote songs about people but this time it felt different, and she couldn't tell if it was a good thing or a bad thing. 


Chloe walked into her apartment and threw her keys on the counter. She huffed and walked over to the freezer, finding a tub of ice cream that she never got to enjoy earlier to try make her feel better.

She was scared shitless, thinking about all the 'what if' scenarios that could possibly go wrong.

What if Beca tells people what happened?

What if I get fired?

Her mind was racing, deciding that ice cream wasn't enough she pulled out a bottle of wine for herself.

Deciding against a glass she took swigs straight from the bottle and silently felt sorry for herself. She had work in the morning and knew this wasn't a good idea but it was the only thing she knew could help her relax slightly.

She was getting increasingly more drunk as time went on and opted to change into a hoodie and shorts before tying her hair into a messy bun, letting pieces of her curls frame her face.

Her mascara was running down her cheeks and the rest of her makeup was smudged but she didn't care at this point.

For some reason all she could think about was beca. From their seemingly perfect kiss that could've gotten out of control way to quickly.

Still just thinking about their heated moment, heat rushed to her core. She tried to push away the thought but everything just came back to the alt girl.

"What the fuck am I going to do"  she sobbed out loud, knowing only herself would hear.


(A/N) sorry for late update, will hopefully be updating more frequently.

Chapters will get longer as the story progresses so sorry if they're a bit short.

Please send me any prompts and ideas for future chapters!!!!

Hope you like my story so far and stay safe!!

Song : Ocean Eyes - Billie Eilish

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