strange encounters

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Chloe has just pulled up outside of the ice cream shop before she got a text from aubrey.

Aubrey : did u find the place ok??

Chloe saw the message and quickly typed out a reply, walking at the same time.

Chloe : Yeah, all good, thanks bree x

Her eyes were still glued to her phone as she walked into the shop, as soon as she looked up she was met with a pair of stormy blue eyes staring right back into hers.

"Well, well, well look who we have here" Beca smirked. Chloe looked down at the floor and tried to hide the redness from her cheeks. She hated how Beca was able to make the her feel like that instantly.

Chloe just smiled and looked at all the flavours displayed in-front of her and realised that they didn't have any of her favourite flavour left, mint choc chip, much to her disappointment.

"Run out of that already I see" pointing to the empty tub behind the glass.

"Yeah, but we actually have some more in the back, I can go get it" using her thumb to gesture over her shoulder.

Before Chloe could reply the brunette was already making her way to the little room in the back.

Beca noticed the the mint flavour was on the top shelf and of course being her short self, she couldn't reach. It was only her on this particular shift today so instead she decided to climb onto the first shelf in hopes of being able to reach the tub.

Before she knew it the shelves were slowly leaning over to the side and then boom, the shelves had managed to fall on top of her and she was trapped between the floor and the now empty shelves, the ice cream falling on top of her too.

Chloe heard the loud thud and her face grew with concern as she heard a low groan from the freezer.

"Uhmmmmm...Miss Beale!?" she heard Beca call hearing the hesitation in her voice.

Normally Beca would refuse any kind of help but in this situation she really need it.

Not too long after the redhead appeared at the door and gasped at the mess she saw in-front of her, covering her mouth with her hand.

"A little help over here" said Beca, still laying on the floor.

The redhead bent down to Beca's side and gently pushed the shelves off of her and noticed Beca wincing in pain.

"Are you okay? What happened back here?" Chloe asked, putting a comforting hand on the girls shoulder.

"Trying to get your special flavour is what happened" she quipped back at her teacher. Beca glanced down at her wrist to see that it was bent in an unusual way.

"Is my wrist meant to do that?" she asked, looking back into the older women's eyes.

It was at this point Chloe realised just how close they were to eachother.

"" chloe stumbled over her words before breaking the eye contact and looked down at the poor girls wrist.

", I think you need to get that looked at" before helping the shorter girl to her feet. Beca continued to scrunch up her face because of the obvious discomfort she was in.

Once she had stood she felt dizzy and week at the knees. Her face grew pale and the redhead looked to her with worry.

"Let's get you a chair, you don't look so good"

Chloe helped the shorter girl ease herself back onto the ground before leaving and grabbing a chair from the empty shop.

Beca began to feel much better, but her wrist was still pointing in the wrong directions.

Chloe offered to call her parents to come pick her up and drive her to the hospital but Beca refused.

She didn't want to go to the hospital, too much had happened there.

Chloe has reinforced the idea that her wrist wasn't getting any better and she needed to get it seen too.

Much too beca's disappointment she knew the redhead was right, so she reluctantly agreed to go, as long as her dad wasn't there, he was probably working anyway.

Chloe sighed knowing that there wasn't going to be any other way, so she offered to drive beca there herself.

The car journey was awkward, no one knew what to say and the only noise that was heard was the faint sound of the radio in the background.

"Sooooooo... how long have you been in town?" Beca asked, trying to make general conversation.

"About a week or so I guess"

Silence fell upon them again, neither knowing how to carry on the conversation.

The radio switched to a different song and titanium started playing.

Beca gently hummed at first before quietly easing her way into singing under her breath.

Chloe's face began to flush red and she felt a heat rushing to her core. The brunette had no idea what this song did to chloe and the fact that the girl was singing along added to it.

Chloe began to shift in her seat trying to shake away this feeling, remembering that her STUDENT was in the car next to her.

Chloe began to sing along with beca to try and take her mind off of the tingling feeling she felt whilst stopping at a red light.

The both smiled softly at each other harmonising to the lyrics of the song.

I'm bulletproof nothing to lose
Fire away, fire away
Ricochet, you take your aim
Fire away, fire away
You shoot me down but I won't fall, I am titanium
You shoot me down but I won't fall
I am titanium, I am titanium, I am titanium, I am titanium

The chorus came to an end and they both just stared at one another, small smiles creeping onto both of their faces.

The faces came closer to each other without them realising, before their noses we nearly touching.

Both were breathing heavily waiting for the other to make the first move. Finally Beca decided to close the gap between them, using her only good hand to pull the redhead in by the back of her neck. Their lips met in a soft yet passionate kiss. Chloe cupped Beca's cheek in the process and looped her other hand through the girls brunette locks.

Beca ran her tongue along the redheads bottom lips and Chloe immediately granted access. Their tongues battled for dominance as the kiss grew more rapid and rough yet filled with passion.

Chloe mind was clouded and at that moment all she could feel was lust. A loud honking was heard behind them and she was finally able to process what was happening and her eyes opened and grew wide, coming to the realisation that she was kissing a student. A MINOR. She gently pushed the brunette off of her and cleared her throat, beginning to drive again, careful not to anger the man behind her even further.

"Shit" she cursed under her breath

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