Chapter 1

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Okay guys, I'm going to try this book again. I actually miss it, honestly. So...enjoy!


Adrien leaned heavily on the palm of his hand and stared at the door for what felt like hours was only just minutes.

It was his first day working at the Shakespeare Company Library, one of the smallest libraries in Paris. This place was so small, there was a second floor! For some odd reason, his father thought it was a good idea for him to get a job. When he asked for a little more freedom besides school, this wasn't what he had in mind.

Adrien just wanted to hang out with his best friend, Nino at the arcade or movies. Was that to much to ask for to hang out with friends than sitting at home bored to death? He couldn't get time to spare for all the hard work he already does?

The blonde sighed begrudgingly as the Librarian, Fu returned from helping a patron.

"How about you go put these books on the shelves," Fu suggested, placing four books in front of the teen.

Without a word, Adrien took up the offer and carried the books to the adult section. He assumed that the books were new and could be set out on display. Yet, the problem was finding where to put the books. This library was practically a maze.

Fu had shown him how the system works. The teen was shown the kids, young adult and adult sections which were in alphabetical order. Then there were also the juvenile and adult nonfiction books which were in numerical order.

Adrien didn't even like reading books and only saw them as a waste of time. The only things he enjoyed reading were comic books of his favorite anime or some story happening on social media. Anything else felt like a total drag to him and never found the entertainment nor reason to sit and read.

Getting to the point, he didn't like the job.

The blonde made it to the display shelf for adults and began to setup the books up. After a long day of school, he just wanted to go back to his lonely room and sleep. That was the only thing on his mind all day at school not really paying attention.

It seemed like his modeling and fencing days were catching up after starting school. Now with working at the library, it seemed just as draining than it ever had before. He was actually almost late to his first day on the job because of modeling.

Adrien just wished that he could have a friend to talk to when he wasn't busy. He knew Nino wouldn't show his face in this place. The only thing he would come to the library for would be to sleep on one of the beds in the corners.

Adrien wanted to do the same and was tempted to ask if a short nap could suffice the need to sleep. He didn't want to seem lazy in front of the old man though. So he kept it to himself and tried to stay awake as much as possible.

The teen model soon finished and walked back to the front desk. He was just passing the stairs when hearing someone talking.

"Please, Romeo and Juliet is way better than The Crucible."

Adrien didn't hear anyone reply to that statement but the person kept talking as if having a normal conversation with someone. This confused the blonde even more and curiosity took the better of him.

"Don't get me wrong, I love drama but romance takes the cake and makes Romeo and Juliet the better story. The Crucible just doesn't bring as much romance than it does drama."

He could make out the voice to be female and wondered if she was one of the crazy people Fu talked about. Fu said there were a few weird folks that came in occasionally. He even recalled the time that he had almost called the police on a strange guy.

   Adrien poked his head around the corner to see a girl around his age.

   She wore a dark blue, yarn-knitted sweater, sleeves so long it hid her hands and leggings. A black fedora laid upon her head, bluish-black hair braided rested on her shoulder. What really stood out most of all are her thick, black glasses that roofed the bridge of her nose.

   The girl gripped the book in her hands as if someone would take it away. There was no doubt that that book she held was from the adult section considering how thick it was.

   What really bugged him though, she immediately stopped talking after he poked his head around the steps. There was no one but her from what he could see. It was just the bluenette who sat quietly in the large, comfy chair reading a book.

   Adrien quickly found the girl odd yet fascinated for some reason. He returned to the front desk to find Fu waving goodbye to whoever was in here.

   "Hey, Fu," I said, getting the old man's attention.

   "Yes, Adrien?" Fu acknowledged the boy.

   "Who is that girl back there under the stairs?" Adrien asked, pointing back from where he just came from. The short Chinese man hummed in thought before an imaginary light bulb flickered to life.

   "Ah, you must be talking about Marinette. She is very special girl and one of our daily patrons. Reads so much, she could be called a bookworm," Fu joked, a smile tugging at his face.

   "Is she one of those patrons?" Adrien asked, referring to the crazy people that come in often. To his surprise, the Librarian shook his head in denial.

   "Oh no, like I said, she is very special," Fu explained before returning to work. The blonde was soon given some more books to put away. Curiosity got the better of him and made a detour to the staircase to see if the girl—uh, Marinette was still talking to herself again.

   He reached the staircase and found that the bluenette was still trapped in the pages of the book. She seemed familiar to him but couldn't put a finger on it. Where has he seen her before?

   An hour later, Marinette left the library without a word (just a slight wave to Fu) before disappearing out onto the streets of Paris. Fu and Adrien closed up the building for the night and headed home.

   Adrien waited for the limousine to show but couldn't stop wondering if he knew that Mairnette girl from somewhere. It bothered him endlessly until falling onto his soft bed. He curled up under the blankets and fell asleep with one thought.

   Who was that girl?


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