Chapter 4

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I wanted to thank everyone who is reading this book!! I feel like it's kinda boring right now....and maybe for awhile but hopefully things will begin escalating!!



   Adrien could hear her talking to someone.

   He couldn't help but ease drop a little but wasn't able to hear what Marinette was saying. What really bugged him was who she was talking too? Did Fu know anything about his fellow quiet classmate that sat in the back?

   How did he not notice her over the past couple of months? He bet it had something to do with Chloe.

   Curious, the model grew closer to make out any words being murmured by the girl. He didn't know why but something was pulling him in like a magnet. He wanted to get to know her even if there were a few loose screws.

   Adrien peeked around the corner and spotted Marinette reading a book.

"Stop hating on my romance book-"

Green met blue and the air grew weary between the two.

"Um, sorry. I was just...uh, putting this book away. I'm still getting used to this library since it's my second day," Adrien quickly explained, mentally calling himself an idiot. He didn't want to lie but couldn't exactly tell the truth of spying of his strange classmate.

Marinette still seemed frozen and grew incredibly shy, almost intimidated. Here she was looking as if she was a crazy person talking to herself. What made it worse, he could tell Chloe and give another reason to be the freak of the school.

This wasn't the first time being caught talking to a ghost, or really, nothing visible to any ordinary naked eye. It was always a tough sculpting a lie for the reason she talked to herself. Yet, her mind went blank and in overdrive on her shy persona.

"Look..." Adrien began, cutting the thick air.

"Oh no, here we go again," Marinette thought, slightly hiding behind the Nicholas Sparks book.

"I just wanted to apologize for how Chloe acted earlier. I know she can be a handful at times, but she was the only friend I had until meeting Nino."

This left Marinette utterly speechless with wide eyes and gaping mouth. He was here to apologize for something he didn't do? He trying to help her out earlier? Why would he help the strangest nerd in Paris?

The bluenette felt her face flush pink and gapped a little, still dumbfounded by the situation.

"After, somehow getting away from her, I was going to check and see if you were alright. Yet, you disappeared before I had the chance," he explained, chuckling a bit awkwardly. He didn't know if it was from thinking about how he escaped Chloe or how awkward everything was.

Marinette had yet to say a word but her mind felt paralyzed, frozen. Emilie seemed to be staring Adrien down too. She soon snapped out of it to look at poor mind boggled Marinette. The elder ghost smiled warmly, seeing the girl so still with pink dusted cheeks. Emile wondered if Adrien had noticed this small detail yet.

Emilie cleared her throat then gestured to the bookworm to say something. With one final glance, Marinette shook out of her frozen state and looked away embarrassed.

"O-oh, t-thank moo—I mean, y-you!" Marinette stammered, nervously correcting herself.

   "Why do I feel warm all of a sudden? Why is my heart beating like crazy? Am I getting sick? That doesn't explain why I'm stuttering though," her thoughts running wild without explanation. The only thing she remotely could do was not meet eye contact and hide her face by looking down.

"I better get back to work. Sorry, for bothering you" Adrien apologized, leaving the flustered nerd.

Marinette watched him walk around the corner in awe and shock. No boy has ever been so kind to her before or showed any interest in her existence—at least not a living one. She assumed that every rich person (especially Chloe's friends) was snobby and giant brats.

Adrien had proven her wrong, so wrong. Or maybe this is all an act? This is the beginning of a game to lure her in like a worm on a hook. Draw her in and do something sinister later on. What was the saying? Keep your friends close and your enemies closer?

Marinette wasn't going to fall for that old trick, not again. As if reading her mind, Emile's teasing smirk turned into a warm smile.

"Remember what I always say," she reminded the bookworm.

"Never judge a book by its cover," Marinette repeated the phrase before looking at Emile. The young woman chuckled when seeing the teen's pink tinted cheeks.

   "W-What?" The oblivious girl asked.

   "Nothing," Emile replied, walking off and leaving a dumbfounded Marinette. Marinette quickly stood up and followed her friend.

   "I know your hiding something. Spill it," the stubborn teen interrogated.

   "You should ask him to be your friend," the ghost urged. Marinette immediately stopped in surprise, gaping at such a statement. Why would she want to be friends with someone who could possibly use her? They were practically opposites on the social food chain.

   "I don't know—I mean, he didn't know I existed until now. We are practically polar opposites, and someone like him hanging out with someone like me? That's just asking for trouble," Marinette argued, crossing her arms protectively and fixed her glasses.

   "Don't think so little of yourself. You always do that," the spirit protested before sighing, "I was once in your shoes. It may seem like a bad pair but as they say, opposites attract. Just try it, I've got a gut feeling that you'll gain something incredible."

   "Like what?" Marinette asked, intrigued.

   Emile's smile returned as she answered, "A new friend."


   Adrien and Fu were about to close up when Marinette came out from the back. She seemed to hesitate at the door to look over her shoulder at the blonde.

   Adrien noticed and smiled warmly at the shy girl. Marinette grimaced a bit tense before ducking her head and clutching the door handle.

   "Hey, Marinette."

   Marinette paused and looked back again to see the model walk up to her. She shyly twiddled her fingers and saw Emile stand nearby for moral support.

   "I just wanted to know if you wanted to hang out friends!" He asked, quickly adding the last part. Marinette was frozen in astonishment when given a slip of paper.

Again, her face flushed a deep shade of red and heart rate went crazy. It was still unknown to her what this strange feeling was when it came to this guy who was so different from the rest that she's known forever.

"Here's my phone number. I hope we can become friends. You seem like a very interesting person," Adrien said and was about to walk away. She was taken back.

"He thinks I'm interesting?" She thought. No one has ever called her nothing of the sorts except for her parents. She was so shocked, his words fried her brain.

"W-Wait," The bookworm quickly said, making the blonde come to a halt.

"," she quietly spoke, handling her own slip of paper. Emile somehow convinced Marinette to write her phone number down earlier to give it to Adrien. It almost failed if not for the friendly persona of the blonde teen.

Adrien smiled brightened and gratefully took the slip before waving the bluenette goodbye. Marinette felt her knees grow weak and almost tripped when seeing his smile. She scurried out the door with red cheeks and sweaty palms.

Adrien and Fu finished closing the library and went home. The blonde was thrilled to arrive back to his cold home knowing he made a new friend.


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