Chapter 5

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"Girl, you've been acting really strange all morning ," Alya observed, watching her living friend stare off into space. "Well, stranger than usual."

Marinette's mind was full with thoughts of the model in the front row possibly being her new friend and the weird feeling she felt when near him. It all seemed to happen so fast in a blink of an eye. How she was convinced to give the rich model a try of friendship was beyond her.

Just thinking about his smile made her melt into a puddle. Or the way his hair was kissed by the rays of sunshine and gifted heaven's glow. Green eyes like the rarest of emeralds and freshest of forest. She never realized how much she loves nature till seeing those eyes.

   Whatever sickness she has, she had it bad.

   "Earth to Marinette," Alya called, snapping her fingers in front of her friend's face. The bookworm snapped out of her daze.

   "Yes, Alya?" Marinette asked. The ombré girl gave an "are you kidding me" look before crossing her arms.

"What is wrong with you, girl? I've never seen you so...distracted before," Alya asked, worried.

"I-I don't know," Marinette said, cluelessly and quickly hiding her face. Then she started playing with a strand of her hair and a familiar warmth crept up her cheeks. Her best friend seemed to see where the situation was going and smirked a little.

"I think I know what is wrong but just to make sure, can you explain what you are feeling right now?" Alya asked. Marinette raised an eyebrow at the ghost before saying, "What are you, my psychiatrist?"

   The spirit rolled her eyes and urged her friend to talk. Marinette sighed before going back into her shy self again.

   "My heart beats faster, my words are incoherent and my face heats up. I feel nervous like little butterflies are in my stomach. I can't think straight or think of anything else except for his flawless looks and kind demeanor..." Marinette rambled on and on in a dreamlike state before snapping out of it.

   "Wow...I didn't think this day would come," Alya said, mesmerized and smirked, secretly fangirling.

   "What? What's wrong with me? Is it Hay Fever, rabies, some sort of unexplainable disease?" Marinette asked, worried and almost foaming at the mouth.

   "Marinette Dupain-Cheng, you are experiencing what we norm girls call a crush. It seems you have it bad too," Alya answered before squealing and asking, "Who is it? I need the deets!"

   Marinette was still processing the information before thinking of the model and blushing a little. She looked up as kids began to enter the classroom and there he was, Adrien Agreste. The bookworm's face grew a darker shade of pink and dreamily looked at the blonde.

   "No...flippen...WAY! ARIEN FREAKING AGRESTE! YOU TWO WOULD MAKE THE CUTEST COUPLE EVER!" Alya screeched, jumping up and down in her seat. The quiet nerd tried to calm her friend down without looking weird.

"Sh! Are you trying to let the whole afterlife hear you?" Marinette asked, scolding Alya and trying to hold back a giggle.

It was rare seeing her best friend so excited these days and it warmed the bluenette's heart. The brown-eyed girl would usually be gloomy or asking questions that sometimes weren't answered before another question was asked.

"How did it happen? Where did it happen? Did you get his phone number? Are you guys secretly friends and you never told me? Tell me, tell me, tell me! I need the deets, girl!" Alya bursted, a giant smile on her face. Her reporter side was showing awaiting for one of the biggest scoops in history.

Marinette Dupain-Cheng has a crush and not just on any guy, the Adrien Agreste. The ombré haired girl didn't think it was possible for her living friend to develop such feelings but it happened! It was a miracle that she didn't realize it either!

Miss Bustier greeted the class before taking attendance and beginning class.


"I don't know, dude. Marinette is really weird. She's been seen talking to herself when no one was their a lot more than a normal person would," Nino spoke, unsure if his pal knew of the rumors of the shy girl.

"Nino, chill. Marinette can be pretty cool once you actually get to know her and not by rumors," Adrien replied, biting into his sandwich.

   "Oh, really," The DJ said, "so, how long have you actually known her?"

    "That's besides the point," The blonde said, changing the subject and waving over the shy girl who happened to be passing by. Marinette paused for a moment to think if she should walk over or not.

   "Come on, go! What are you waiting for? Tomorrow to come? I need to make sure my friend is taken cared of after I move on," Alya urged her friend. The bookworm glared at the ghost. Then she gulped, lucky enough to have her best friend at her side as they approached the table.

   "Hey, Marinette. Do you want to eat lunch with us?" Adrien asked, seeing the paper bag in her hands. Marinette carefully glanced at a suspicious Nino before returning her gaze to the model.

   "U-Um, I don't think that's a g-good i-idea," she replied, shyly. The blonde was about to ask why when the answer squealed and ran over to their table, shoving the bluentte to the ground.

   "Hi, Adrkins! Watch out for the door mat, Sabrina. She could have freak disease or something," Chloé said, smirking at the clumsy Marinette.

   "Chloé, what did I literally talk to you about yesterday," Adrien snapped, annoyed. The blonde girl gave him an innocent look of confusion as Marinette stood up, brushing off the dirt.

"I...I think I-I'll have lunch s-somewhere e-else," Marinette stuttered, walking off. Adrien felt bad for his newly made friend and glared at his childhood one.

"Finally, good riddance," Chloé tutted then sat next to the model, hugging his arm with a victorious smile. Adrien huffed, glancing at a guilty Nino who watched it all go down as Chloé began to rattle on about her day.

Having enough of the Mayor's daughter, Adrien excused himself and gestured for Nino to follow, glad to be away from the rich brat.

"On second thought, maybe Marinette would be better than Chloe," Nino said, Adrien nodding in agreement.


Marinette found a concealed area to enjoy a peaceful lunch but her mind went to other places. If it weren't for the warning bell, she would of been late for her next class.

Marinette threw away her trash when suddenly the sky grew dark with gray clouds above. She felt frozen to her spot, unable to move. A chill ran down her spin and shivered as the warm air became so cold that a puff of smoke escaped her lips.

"What's happening?" She thought, eyes scanning the campus. Her body tensed when seeing an ominous shadow stood behind a pole, staring straight back at her. If it weren't for the prickling rain hitting her skin and drawl attention away, the figure wouldn't have disappeared.

Marinette scurried off to her class, getting a few weird looks from some other students. Running into the room before the bell rang, she sighed in relief and sat in her seat.

The first thing that caught her attention was the empty seat beside her.


Bluebell Eyes (Continuation by Frostybug14)Where stories live. Discover now