Chapter 2

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   "After school, you have a photoshoot for an hour and a half..." my father's assistant, Natalie rattled on in her monotone voice. It was the same every day at breakfast.

   Adrien's father would be to busy to join his son, Natalie would tell him the day's schedule, and there was little food to eat to consider it a meal. The model wished for once that something different would happen that was not planned for him.

   He didn't want his life planned out. The blonde wanted something...extraordinary to happen. Something special that wasn't the same routine over and over. This perfect boy act could get stressful at times and begged for a moment of peace.

   Yet, when he received the silence then there would be a lingering feeling of emptiness and loneliness. A want for a human presence that would annoy the daylights out of him.

   " and your father are to meet with the Bourgeois family afterwards," Natalie finished. The last part caught Adrien's attention and perked up, curiosity eating at the boy.

   The Bourgeois family has been a family friend with the Agrestes for as long as Adrien could remember.

   Mr. Bourgeois is the mayor of Paris and his daughter, Chloe has been Adrien's only friend before attending school. He wasn't a big fan with Chloe's attitude but believed that she could someday change it.

   "Why are we visiting them?" He asked, slightly curious.

   "An important meeting, that's all I know," she answered before walking out the door, leaving Adrien by himself.


"Come on, girl. Spill the beans and tell me what happened yesterday at the library," Alya exclaimed, eyes beaming with excitement. She was a gossiper, one who needed "the deets" of what goes on anywhere and everywhere.

"You know that we are in a public area, right?" Marinette whispered, gesturing to the other people in the locker room. Her best friend raised an eyebrow in confusion and crossed her arms.

   "And?" She questioned to where Marinette mentally facepalmed herself. To prove her point, a guy walked straight through the brown-eyed teen, a chill running down his spine as he continued walking.

   "You're dead, and no one but me can see or hear you. This will result in me looking like a crazy person talking to myself," she replied before walking to class. Alya caught up and walked next to her living friend in a huff.

   "I just wish we can have our normal chats like we always did when I was still alive. It's awful being stuck in school especially all alone with no one around," Alya sadly spoke, arms crossed. The bluenette felt bad for her closest friend in the world.

   Alya wasn't like most ghosts who could teleport anywhere they wanted. She was stuck in school. Marinette was still trying to figure out what was keeping her here in the first place, so Alya could move on from this world to the next.

   She only stayed because of her unfinished business to make sure everyone would be fine once she leaves. Yet, it was hard doing so when some invisible paranormal force field kept her only on school grounds.

   Marinette would often check on the brown-eyed teen's family and reported back to her friend at school. Alya just wished she could see them for herself before moving on but that wasn't going to happen anytime soon.

   "I know, and I'm sorry about it. I'm doing my best to figure out why you're stuck here, but I'm still coming up with a blank," the bluebell eye girl admitted, sympathetically. She took her seat in the far back row, and Alya sat next to her devastated.

Bluebell Eyes (Continuation by Frostybug14)Where stories live. Discover now