Chapter 8

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I entered the Wattys 2019 Awards!! Wish me luck!!


"What am I going to wear? Would this outfit make me look fatter than usual? How do I smell? Do my glasses need polished again? Should I wear glasses? Never mind, that was a dumb question," Marinette rambled on and on to herself. She decided to stop pacing the floor and take in a deep breath.

   "Calm down, Dupain-Cheng. This is only your first time ever hanging out with a boy. There is no need to-" the bluenette suddenly gasped, panic enveloping her soul, "DID I SHAVE MY LEGS?!"

   The clumsy girl quickly tried to roll up her jeans to her knee and looked for any hair. She stumbled backwards in doing this and fell onto the floor. The teen groaned, staring at the ceiling.

   "Marinette, is everything okay up there?" Her mother called from downstairs, worry etched in her voice. Sure, the two didn't get along when anything brought up about ghosts comes into a conversation. Yet, Sabine truly cared about Marinette with all her heart.

   Her mother always worried about her especially when she would get into dangerous situations because of ghosts. Her maman knew she was very intelligent which is why the baker didn't understand. Why would her smart teenage daughter still believe in make believe?

   Well, it was hard to ignore it when dead people would constantly walk up to her, looking like a horror movie, and ask, "You can see me?"

   "I'm okay!" Marinette replied, standing up and questioning her life choices. For example: why was she so hung up on this particular boy? Keep in mind, this is also the first boy who actually noticed her existence and looked past her flaws. Well, most of her flaws.

   The first one who was kind, considerate, determined to keep their friendship, and oh, she could go on all day about that amazing specimen!

   Marinette blushed and sighed dreamily about the blonde before getting up off the floor. She wished she could talk with Alya about this fiasco, but the spirit was still missing.

Marinette missed talking to her best friend about gossip or what's been going on outside of school. Ayla and Marinette kept each other stable and sane. If one was missing its half, then it couldn't be whole. The bluenette hated to say it, but she found a filler for Alya in times like this.

Marinette couldn't even imagine how lucky she was to have Adrien around. Pure luck.

"Your friend is here!" Sabine shouted from downstairs. Suddenly, the teen was back into panic mode and began to rush around her room like a crazy person.

"Give me a minute!" Marinette replied, trying to multi task with brushing her hair and teeth. She finished with the final touches by placing her favorite fedora on her head and braided her hair.

The teen stumbled down the stairs not so gracefully then awkwardly smiled at the two in the living room.

   Sabine and Adrien stared at her for a moment before the baker broke the silence, clearing her throat. Marinette got the hint to speak to her friend.

   Her mind went mush when Adrien smiled so bright she might as well be blinded even with her glasses on. Any function in her brain tried to send a message that told her to say something, you idiot!

   "Hola, amigo. Te quiero mucho tu hermoso pedazo de sol—I mean, howdy—no, wait! Can I get a do over?" Marinette stammered over her words, feeling like the most idiotic bookworm in the world.

   The message was not received.

   "Why can't there be a control Z for these kinds of situations?" Marinette thought, nervously sweating and blushing madly. Her mom stared at the young bluenette with a shocked look etched on her face. Adrien smiled kindly at Marinette, thinking she was just nervous, because he was meeting her mother.

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