Chapter 6

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   Alya didn't come the rest of the school day.

   It made Marinette a little on the edge from the horrible feeling of earlier events with that shadow. Now, her best friend was nowhere to be found.

   "Marinette, there you are!" The shy teen jumped at the voice when seeing Adrien walking towards her. A knot of nerves twisted in her stomach and twiddled her fingers out of a shy habit.

   "Are you alright? I feel like you're avoiding me," Adrien said. It was true, she was avoiding him for reasons to keep him safe. If Adrien became friends with her, Chloe and Sabrina might start bullying him and the rest of the school will look down on him just like they did with her.

   She didn't want to ruin Adrien's life because of her. So guiltily, Marinette turned her attention to something else.

   "You are avoiding me? Why are you doing that?" He questioned, worriedly. Marinette bit her lip and started to play with the ends of her dark hair.

"I-I don't think we should b-be f-friends, A-Adrien," she finally admitted, a weight lifted off her shoulders. The blonde was baffled by the news then turned into worry.

"Why? Did I do something wrong?" He asked before anger replaced worry, "Did Chloé do something, again? I swear-"

"No!" The bluenette quickly interrupted. The model calmed down and was rather confused.
"I just don't want you to end up like me, ignored and forgotten. No friends and being all alone..."

The tension faded from his green orbs and smiled. Marinette was really sweet but thought way too little of herself. She just wanted the best for him and appreciated the thought but it didn't matter. This is what he admired about her, thinking about her friends first before her.

   "Marinette," Adrien began. To Marinette, his voice sounded so smooth and sweet like honey, making her name sound just as nicely. Her stomach practically did backflips and palms began to sweat.

   "That's very thoughtful that you worry about me, but thinking so little of yourself is out of the question. I really do want to be your friend and hangout sometime. Maybe at the library for a bit," Adrien said, smiling warmly.

   If her heart beat any faster, it would've exploded out of her chest. He really wanted to be her friend and was so sweet about it. She went weak in the knees and wondered how she still stood in place. Is it true that kindness can kill? She was starting to become a believer.

"S-S-Sure," Marinette stuttered, mentally hitting her head and almost sighed dreamily. Adrien patted her shoulder before walking around her. That's when she felt that same cold feeling from earlier and the feeling of being watched grew.

Marinette shook the feeling away and began to search for Alya one more time. There was only one place she didn't think to look. The janitor's closet.

She made sure that the hallway was empty before entering the small room. It recked of cleaning supplies and dirty water. Only a single light bulb was the source of light, making it an eerie scene.

"Alya," Marinette called, quietly. A small sob came from the back corner, luring the bluenette deeper in the closet. She peeked around a shelf to see her best friend sitting in the corner, legs drawn to her chest and tear stained cheeks.

"Alya? What's wrong?" Marinette asked, worriedly, crouching down to meet with glimmering brown eyes.

"Everything on my side is messed up. I'm trying to hide from...him but he keeps finding me. Trying to convince me to do horrible things. Please, don't let him find me," Alya begged, voice cracking.

Bluebell Eyes (Continuation by Frostybug14)Where stories live. Discover now