Chapter 7

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   Adrien checked out a book to a woman when catching sight of Marinette quickly leaving from the corner of his eye. The blonde quickly placed the checkout slip into the book and wished the woman a good day before chasing after the bluenette.

   "Marinette," Adrien called, making the girl pause and tense.

   "Where are you going? I know I haven't worked here long or know your daily life schedule or it's any of my business but don't you usually stay here till we close?" He asked, confused as to why his newly made friend was leaving so soon. Marinette turned around and shyly messed with her braid.

    "I-I need t-to—um," Marinette stuttered, trying to think of an excuse. Her mind went mesh after seeing the beautiful blonde in front of her. For some reason, thinking of a lie was hard since she didn't have to do it to often. She also hated lying, especially if she wanted to earn her newly made friend's trust.

   "Why is this so difficult? Why, out of everyone, do you have to make this even more difficult?" Marinette thought.

   "Parents n-need help w-with the f-fakery—bakery to make lies—pies!" She lied, quickly fixing her mistakes. Her cheeks flustered a shade of pink and giggled nervously with an odd, sheepish smile out of embarrassment and regret.

Adrien blinked and seemed to be processing her words before smiling.

"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow at school," he said then went to start putting books back on the shelf. Marinette turned and headed out the door but caught a glimpse of Emile standing next to the checkout desk.

The spirit's face was scrunched with sorrow and remorse. That was the last thing the teen saw before shutting the library door and walking home. This situation she was put in was a travesty, like police tape that told her not to go any further to investigate.

   What was beyond that line? What was happening that is causing such a disturbance? Who is this Poltergeist Scarlet Moth? What is he planning to do with kids living and dead?

   Each spirit always has some mysterious background, leaving the bluenette to uncover or find out those unknown abysses to seek information. Even if it meant getting a little dangerous at times, yet this was not like those times.

   Marinette has never faced a spirit that fills lost souls with fear at his or her's very name. An evil planning to use the innocent for their own selfish desires. From what she could see in the afterlife, there was a great ruckus going on from both of her paranormal friends. She herself has felt the chills of the poltergeist at school.

It was...unnerving. Now, Marinette knew how living victims involved by talking about their dead relative or friend or anyone for that matter felt. She sounded like a crazy person which would unsettle normal people.

Marinette frowned at the thought of normalcy. She wished her life was normal and not involving with the dead. Life would be so much easier to deal with and wouldn't have to grow any white hairs at such a young age. She would have more friends to talk to without looking like a mentally insane person.

No restraining orders. No weirded-out looks. No stress. Just peace and tranquility.

Yet, there were some good things going for Marinette. She could help her ghostly friends with their problems and have someone to talk with instead of losing their minds. She's helped so many move on from one world to the next and it left a warm feeling within herself.

She's gone into dangerous but adventurous situations that no one would of thought poor shy Marinette would be able to do. The bluenette had a lot going for her gift as a blessing and a curse. Each out weighing the other in the teens mind.

Bluebell Eyes (Continuation by Frostybug14)Where stories live. Discover now