Chapter 3

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   Adrien couldn't believe it.

   Marinette was in his class, and he never knew it until now. Granted, he's been here for a couple of months but that was no excuse for not acknowledging her presence.

   He felt like an idiot.

   After class, he and his best friend, Nino separated ways. That's when he noticed the shy teen being harassed by Chloe and Sabrina. Chloe held Marinette's glasses and snickered as the hopeless girl sat on her knees in defeat.

   Adrien growled, annoyed with his long known friend's behavior. He was sick of it, how she didn't care about anyone else but herself. She relished in power and her opponent's defeat, their weakness. Especially, when Chloe used to treat him that way as well.

   It didn't matter if Marinette was odd. She is still human too.

   Adrien walked up to the two bullies who didn't notice his arrival. With crossed arms and narrowed eyebrows, he said, "She's not going to do anything, cause I already am."

   At the sound of his voice, Chloe and Sabrina turned their attention to him. The feminine blonde squealed and trapped Adrien in a suffocating hug while Sabrina just stood off on the side. Marinette didn't dare look up since there were only going to be blurs to give a massive headache later.

She was tense with the situation she's been thrown into. As if it wasn't bad enough with Chloe and Sabrina, Adrien just happened to come along. Marinette was in some deep trouble but knew how to deal with the problem.

Let the bully have what they want or until they tire out. Chloe wasn't one to be a physical fighter but an emotional one. Sabrina was only Chloe's minion and would only make sure the bluenette wouldn't run.

It was as simple as that but she's never been bullied by the newer rich student, Adrien, so who knew how this would turn out.

Luckily, they were all distracted in their own conversation. Marinette wasn't listening to it, stuck in deep thought of how to get out of there.

"Marinette, are you doing okay?" The shy bookworm heard Alya but what replaced the spirit's form was a white orb like wisp. It would seem really cool if Marinette wasn't so frightened at the moment. She let a quiet "not really" escape her lips in a whisper.

"Your glasses are on the ground. I would say about a foot away," her best friended guided. With a stroke of determination, the blind bluenette reached out and just happened to scrape the rim of her thick, black glasses.

She reached out once more and grabbed ahold of the glasses then put them back on. The world became clear from the blotches of color. Alya was knelt down next to her and the three teens were still distracted. It was enough time for her to grab her bag and quietly scurry away.

A sigh of relief escaped her lips while the ombré girl appeared out of nowhere, startling the living teen. Alya apologized, laughing a little as they made their way to the exit.

"I'll see you tomorrow," Marinette said, waving goodbye. Alya smiled slightly before turning to head back into the school.

Marinette walked down the street to the Shakespeare Company Library or a safe haven from all the world's evil. It was a place of escaping a world and entering a different one where it told a tale of someone else.

Marinette found it oddly calming to sit and read about some of the same problems characters have that she has. Yet, almost all the stories she read had happy endings unlike her.

She arrived at the front door and opened the door, a bell tingled above from entering. Fu lifted his head at the sound then smiled when seeing his daily patron at the door.

"It's good to see you, Marinette," Fu greeted, making the girl smile in return.

"It's nice to see you too. Have you been busy?" Marinette asked, scanning the books for anything new. She heard him sigh and turned to see a frown instead of a smile.

"People just don't come in like they used too. The council is planning on closing the library on Wednesdays because it's the day people come the least," Fu informed, sadly.

Marinette felt bad for the elder Librarian. She knew he loves working here just as much as she loves coming. Just as she was about to speak, the door creaked open and bell tingled.

"Sorry, for running late. I had something that"

Marinette tensed at the familiar voice and turned to see the golden boy, Adrien Agreste. Adrien stared back in just as more shock before clearing her throat.

"I-I'll be in the b-back," Marinette excused herself, hurrying to her usual spot under the stair case. Adrien went to grab some books from the cart that were returned and ready to be put back on the shelves. Fu chuckled a bit at the teenagers' antics before returning to his book.


"Sorry, I'm late," Marinette apologized, turning the corner to her little hideout, between a bookshelf and a wall, with her ghostly friend. The spirit peeked through the books as if looking for something. This sparked the bluenette's curiosity.

"Whatcha lookin for and don't say it's a book," Marinette asked, getting the spirit's attention.

"'s nothing. I'm probably mistaken anyways," she said before noticing the book.

"Ooo...what are we reading today?" Marinette gazed down at the book and read the title, "Every Breathe by Nicholas Sparks."

She walked over to the comfy blue chair and sat down on it, turning on a lamp nearby. Nicholas Sparks was one of her favorite authors besides William Shakespeare and Debbie Macomber. Her friends would say she was a hopeless romantic because of her love for romance books.

"Before you start your book, you mind telling me how Alya is doing?"

Marinette readjusted her glasses and set down the book with a sigh.

"Not well, she's lonely, and I have no idea how I'm going to help you both with your problem," the teen explained. The spirit hummed in thought before they heard footsteps.

   She vanished before reappearing on the other side of the bookshelf. Curious, Marinette stood up and peeked through the opening to see what was going on.

   Before Marinette could see anything, a voice whispered loudly from behind into her ear.


    The bookworm jumped in fright at the sudden voice.

   "Sorry," The spirit apologized. Marinette placed a hand on her rapidly beating heart and glared.

   "I'm to young to have a heart attack yet. So please refrain from doing that again," the living girl beseeched, calming down.

   "What in the world am I going to do with you, Emilie?"


Bluebell Eyes (Continuation by Frostybug14)Where stories live. Discover now