Look What You Made Me Do

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"It's a guy."

Is what I welcome Aim when he sits beside me.

"Oh, so you talk to him then? Told you. There are straight guys who listen to Taylor Swift."

Pretty sure he's not straight though. I mean, he's more beautiful than any other girl I've seen, that has to say something— I mean, I'm sure he put makeups on or whatever.

Right. Forget I said that. That's so shitty of me if I think feminity equates to sexuality.

While I know there are really straight guys who listen to Taylor Swift, I don't know if it can be applied to Aim.

I decide not to contradict him, I don't want to hurt his ego, he listens to Taylor Swift too and I'm sure Aim's not straight. I saw him once literally staring at some guy but I better not talk about it anymore.


"What did he say?"

I scoff.

I remember him again. That guy. Ugh. Whenever I remember what he said to me last night, I have the urge to punch him.

"Said he doesn't want to stop his music because he's also reviewing. Reviewing my ass, he's just disturbing me."

"What if he's really reviewing?"

"With that loud music? I beg to disagree."

"I review with my music on."

"But you use your earphones. That guy, I already asked him, probably begged him but he was just too annoying. The funny thing is I'm the only one annoyed by him but I swear it's so loud, it can be heard all throughout the whole building."

When I hear no response, I look at Aim only to see him cryptically looking at me, seriousness etched in his eyes. "What?"

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

I look at him with confusion in my eyes. "What do you mean?"

"What if he's not real?"


"What if he's just a figment of your imagination? Or-or what if he's a ghost or someone from the past and you're the only one who can see and hear him. That's why you're the only one annoyed."

I give him an unimpressed glare. I'm sure I have watched that movie somewhere.

I slap his head. "It's a movie and I've watched it already."

"It is a movie but it can happen in reality"

Oh. I'm sure. Because that guy seems like a 50's guy to me. "Not that kind of movie. Ghosts can't be that annoying."

"He's the ghost that annoys people then, what do you call those creatures?"


"Yes. That."

"No. He's alive and he's annoying."


I don't know what I'm thinking or what's happening to me. Did Aim's words somehow affect me or I just want to end this all because I'm here at an electronics shop looking for a new set of earphones?

I reckon, if that guy can't shut up, probably he doesn't have earphones and I'm all willing to spend my money left just for him to leave me be. I can't stay there with another night of him annoying me.

But just as I am about to pick the cheapest earphones at the store, I stop, just as another thought pass through my mind. What if he doesn't accept this? Not only he will be an annoying twat but it also means I spent my money on nothing. And that's something I can't afford, literally.

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