How You Get The Girl

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It's Sunday.

And what do people normally get on Sunday? Long hours of sleep.

I am hoping that I can sleep throughout the day since I've been deprived of my right to sleep because of the homework and projects my professors gave me... and not to mention, there's still P'Arthit having Taylor Swift concert last night and it just frustrates that I can't do anything about it (even just shout at him) because yeah, I'll be kicked out.

Going back to the topic of sleep, I knew I couldn't get my much-needed sleep when someone knocked on my door.

I groan. I decided to ignore it but every second, it gets louder, it almost comes to the point that the person is close to breaking my door.

I release myself from the tangles of my blanket and sits on the edge of the bed.

"Don't break my door! I'm coming!"

Holy shit. Whoever is there, I swear, I'm going to kill them.

Still, with my eyes closed, I walk slowly to the door and opens it.

"Good morning Kongpob!"

Good gods. Even his voice is irritating me.

Even with my eyes closed, I already know who it is. The evil P'Arthit, of course. I should've expected it really.

I yawn and scratch my eyes. "What are you doing here? It's so early."

He pushes past me and just enters my room without my permission. Tsk. This guy.

He sits on my bed and looks around my room. I follow him and lays in on my bed, face down.

"Today's the first day you're going to treat me pink milk. Remember our deal?"

I groan and close my eyes. I still want to sleep. "Can't we do it later? It's barely morning-"

"It's already 10 am."

"Yeah and normal people sleep until 12 in the afternoon because it's Sunday."

"Not me."

Yeah. Because you are not normal.

I keep quiet. I thought he will leave me alone but of course, this is P'Arthit we're talking about. Of course, he won't.

Just as I am about to go back to my dreamland, I suddenly felt warmth on my back and a heavy feeling of someone laying in on my back.


"Do you really have to shout beside my ear? Your song's already making me deaf, you don't need to include your voice too."

"Wake up you sleepy head, I need my pink milk. Now."

I keep my eyes closed. "Annoy someone else. Why are you annoying me?"

Does this guy even have friends or someone special? Because I swear, I like to meet them and throw P'Arthit to them.

"You're the only one I can annoy. So wake up Kong!"

He closes into me more and even puts his chin on my shoulder. He's cuddling me. The hell.


"Stop snuggling into me."

He really is acting like we're best friends. We barely even met and those times, we always shout at each other so why is he acting like this all of-

"Dumb fuck!"

He blows directly to my ear. Damn it. What did I do in my past life and destiny gave me this guy?

He laughs. "Are you awake now?"

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