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"I don't know why I'm doing this with you. I can't believe I'm doing this in the first place. We look lunatics here. Just go inside and talk to your boy toy."

Nam nags for an umpteenth time.

We're here inside her car as we 'spy' outside a bar where Kong is. I have been spying him for a day and when I heard from Aim that they'll go here, I immediately called Nam to accompany me but I regretted it because all she does is whine and it's irritating me already.

I glare at her. "Can you shut up? I'm trying to focus here and stop calling him my boy toy."

She removes the binoculars from her line of sight. "Can you just go there and ask him to fuck you? Because that's faster than spying on him. Not to mention, it's less creepy."

"Less creepy? I can't do that. Do you want him to suddenly leave me for good? That'll scare him. He is already scared at me."

"Why? What did you do? Why is he ignoring you?"

"I kissed him," I respond with a shy voice.

Nam laughs and hugs me. "Oh my baby is growing up. Did you kiss him? That's the mistake there." I push her away from me.


"He probably doesn't like the taste of your virgin lips." So I suck at kissing that's why he's ignoring me?

"My lips-"

"Don't deny it. He's your first kiss, that's cute. What did you do? Did you suck his lips?" I don't know. I forgot what I was doing. I just remembered the feel of his lips on mine. I pale. What if it's really the reason why he's ignoring me now? He's disappointed because I suck at kissing.

"I can't remember."

Nam shakes her head. "Dear, you should've asked me before kissing him."

"I don't know why I did that in the first place. It was the spur of the moment. He was there, in front of me, looking so handsome and I just had the urge to kiss him so I did."

Nam laughs again. "Oon, you're so thirsty for him. What does he think now?"

I pale. What? Do I look that desperately gay for him? "Thank you for that help Nam. Why did I call you here anyway?"

"Yeah. Why did you? I was busy making out with Jay so why did you?"

"I don't need to hear your sex lives. And I called you because I thought you could help me after I helped you to be reconciled with Jay. I forgot you're useless in this kind of thing."

She smirks. "At least I have a boyfriend."

I roll my eyes at her. "Why did I chase after you again?"

"Because I'm beautiful and irresistible."

"Yeah. But I'm more beautiful."

Nam shakes her head. "You know the reason why I picked Jay over you?"

"Because you're blind?"

"No. Not only you are so young back then but you're also a sassy diva like me, Oon, we'll just fight. Plus, Jay's right. You didn't like me, you just don't want to be alone," She uses her binoculars again. "Are you sure you love him though?"

"Yes. I'm sure. I love him."

"How did you know?"

"Remember when I told you guys I would be tough after what happened when I was 15?"


"Well, now, I feel going back to that time again. I feel shit. I realized I don't want Kong away from me."

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