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I roll my eyes.

P'Arthit has been laughing at my face for minutes now, it's still a wonder he hasn't choke on his own saliva. There are tears rolling from his eyes already and he's clutching his stomach, hard.

The reason for his laughter?

Remember when I've always shouted at P'Arthit from my room because he's disturbing me? And whenever that happened, someone would always knock on my door in response and there's this hunch in me that I'll be the one to receive complaint instead? Well, I wasn't wrong.

Because just after I got here from school, I saw a notice signed by the landlady taped on my door. Turned out, I was the one who had been really complained, the notice is like an eviction notice. The landlady informed me that one more complaint from my neighbors and they are going to kick me whether I like it or not.

So I immediately went to P'Arthit's room hoping he would take pity on me when he realized I could be kicked out because of him. But I forgot he doesn't act anything close to normal and this is his response to me.

He laughs. And until now, he's still laughing.

"Oh my god hahahahaha Kongpob hahahaha."

"It's not funny." I grumble as I put the paper in my pocket.

He wipes his tears and laughs a little more. "Oh, but it is funny. It all backfires to you. It's your fault because you get so mad easily."

I scoff. "My fault? It's your fault. If you are a good neighbor and you heed me from the moment I asked you to stop shitting on me, this situation won't lead to this. Now I'll be kicked out and my Mae will be so mad at me."

Loving him is like trying to change your mind once you're already flying through the free fall
Like the colors in autumn, so bright just before they lose it all.

Goodness. He's still listening to her.

"And you are still listening to Taylor Swift." I whisper-shout. I need to control myself. One more shouting from me and I'll find myself in a ditch.

"I have already told you, right? Nothing can change that."

Forgetting him was like trying to know somebody you never met
But loving him was red
Loving him was red

"It's a heartbreak song. Again. And you're telling me that you're not broken-hearted? Right. You are a liar."

"Don't take everything literally."

"Then how do you want me to take it? Just tell it to me so that I can understand you."

He sighs and shakes his head at me. "Why do you want to know my life?"

"I'm curious and you gave me the reason to. You made me listen to Taylor Swift's heartbreak songs every single night. I reckon, if I happen to know the root of your story, I can help you with your problem so once and for all, I can stop you annoying the hell out of me."

"Are you really adamant about making me stop? Annoying you, that is."

Does he even need to ask?

"Of course. Not only I need it to review, but I also need it for me not to be kicked."

He laughs again. "That shit's still funny to me hahahaha. I can't believe someone filed a complain against you."

"I can't believe someone won't do the same thing to you."

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