Chapter One

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Spring, 1815

To eighteen-year-old Emily Lawrence, nothing was as pleasant as a good book or as pleasurable as being absorbed in the world contained within the pages. At the same time, hardly a thing was as irritating as being pulled from that world by reality.

"Emily? Emily, where are you?"

Emily lowered the book in her hands just enough to peek over the top of the pages. Her blue eyes swept around the room, but no one was in the library with her. Pleased, she brought the book back up and turned a page. She heard the door to the library squeak as it opened, but did not comment, hoping that she would go unnoticed in the window seat.

However, a few moments later, the book was snatched out of her hands. "Rosalind!" Emily exclaimed, looking up at her cousin with a frown. "I am reading that!"

"What? Again?" Rosalind Emerson asked, examining the title. "This must be the third time in the past year, Emily."

"As far as I am aware, it is hardly a crime to enjoy a book more than once." Unable to keep the irritation out of her voice, she stretched her hand out to take the book back. "And this happens to be a particularly intriguing novel! Give it back to me!"

"A crime? No, indeed," her cousin said, ignoring the younger woman's demand. She easily held the volume out of Emily's reach. "However, there are quite possibly a hundred tasks that must be accomplished before our Aunt Lawrence arrives."

With a groan, Emily straightened up, uncurling from her comfortable position. "If you insist. What do I need to do?"

With a smile, Rosalind pulled a sheet of paper from her pocket. "I made you a list so that nothing will be forgotten. Also, I was asked to tell you that your father wishes to see you in his study."

Her blue eyes casting the briefest of glances over the paper, Emily hummed to herself and then folded the page. "Then, I ought to see him before I begin anything else," she said, getting to her feet. She stretched her arms out, her shawl slipping to the ground. "I imagine that it is not as important as he no doubt believes it to be. Ever since Aunt Lawrence offered to take me to London, he has been...How can I describe it? He wants me by his side constantly."

"He is your father, and he wants to spend as much time with you as he can before you leave." As Rosalind gave that diplomatic response, she leaned closer to the window and looked out at the pouring rain. "I don't understand what you find so irritating about that."

"Don't be cross, Rose!" Emily exclaimed, reaching up to rest her hand on her cousin's arm. "You know that I am just out of sorts that it's raining and I cannot be outside this house."

"It's not you, Emily," Rosalind said with a slight smile. "I'm missing my parents more than usual today, I suppose."

Emily frowned for a moment. "That's because you have far too much to handle. Fortunately for you, I have the perfect solution: you must take the afternoon off." She held up her hand before the young woman could finish her objections. "I know you have been longing to practice that new piano concerto. I can handle things."

"Of course you can. That's why you hid in the library with a book," Rosalind said, her smile widening in amusement. "Lawrence Manor will be so quiet when you are in London."

"You must not talk like we are going to be separated!" Emily said, getting to her feet. "You will be going to London with me! I need my companion!"

"How lovely to know I am needed." Rosalind turned and gave her cousin a gentle shove. "Your father asked for you, remember? You ought to go to him before he sends someone else to find you."

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