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I sat in biology and talked with Omar and Kimetrius about a song that a boogie just dropped.

"Man I need to get my dick wet," Omar sighed. Okay first of all, I don't care g. Shut the fuck up.

"The whole class doesn't care about your premature Dick," ms. Evans rolled her eyes. This teacher don't give a fuck. She will cuss you out and slap you.

"This nigga here," Kimetrius laughed. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and started texting someone with the name Contact name "D❤️" I wonder who that is.

"So for your next assignment,You will be partnered up with one person and you guys will be taking care of a baby, this will go on for a month. I will pick your partners." Ms. Evans explained. "Jacob and Nola, trinity and Brian, taymor and Nicholas, michaels and Gazzy, Jahseh and Stokeley, Darrel and Jamie, Kimetrius and deigo, leticia and juan...."

After she called off everyone's partners she made us go sit by them. I sat by Jahseh. He's weird. He never talks. He has black and blonde dreads and wears a hoodie and jeans everyday. There were rumors around that he killed his ex. But he's gay and a bottom so how the fuck?

I lowkey don't give a fuck I just need these A's so my mom will get off my ass. Anyways, we are supposed to be getting to know our partners.

"Hey I'm Stokeley what's your name?" I asked him.

He looked up at me, "huh?"

I know he heard me. Bitch ass Nigga. "What's your name?"

"She told you my name. Don't act stupid," he mumbled.

"Well the assignment is to get to know each other so I was just asking damn," I rolled my eyes.

"My names Jahseh, I'm seventeen, I don't like people, I don't like colors, I don't like kids, I don't like you," He looked back down.

"Well okay, I'm Stokeley, I like food, Durags , music, my parents and some kids. Oh and fat asses oh I love those," I smiled.


Who the fuck told this apeshit looking grape to come talk to me? He's an asshole. Ol "I love fat asses" face ass.

I mean the kid is fine as fuck no lies, but he mean as shit and stupid too. This month better fly the fuck by like my parents every weekend.

"So what should we name our baby when we get it?" He asked. "Maybe Stokeley junior?"

I looked at him and said nothing. I don't know why the hell we have to name it. It's not real. "I don't care."

"Okay what about Gio?" He asked.

I shrugged my shoulders. When I said I don't like you I meant stop talking to me.

"Attention class!" Ms. Evans called for our attention. "For the next week you guys have the job of making a family tree and linking with your partners and making a PowerPoint on dna and another on genes. You will also have to learn about each other's family trees," she explained.

Why the fuck? I don't even know where I come from. My mom and dad are never home. They work all the time and when they aren't working they are on vacation without me. It's like they find reasons not to come home with me.

"Can I get your number so we can make up plans for the project?" Stokeley asked me.

I typed my number into his phone and then shoved my hands back into my hoodie.

"So why don't you ever talk?" He asked me.

"Cause no one here I wanna talk to," I shrugged.

"Damn his voice is sexy, I never heard him talk before," I heard a girl say. See this why I don't like talking.People are so damn extra it's crazy. Like was saying that really necessary?

I ignored everyone around me and Well the bell rang I walked out of class and went to my locker to collect my homework before heading home. I was in a bad mood today. And plus I'm hungry so I'm trying to leave before Isaiah and his little friends corner me again.

I grabbed my backpack and sling it over my shoulder as I walked away from my locker and headed towards the front of the school since it was the end of the day. I managed to make it out of the school without them confronting me and I started to walk home. I lived four blocks away from the school so it wasn't a far walk. I just put my headphones in and listened to my music and got lost in my thoughts as I walked.

I got home and put my backpack in my room before I came back downstairs to get a snack out of the kitchen. I grabbed a bag of pretzels and a water bottle and went upstairs to do my homework since I have nothing else to do. I was about to connect my phone to my speaker when I got a message.

602-977-1900: Hey ma

Who tf is this?

602-977-1900: Stokeley. Duh

Don't call me that bruh. I already don't like you. What you want?

Stokeley: wanna come start the PowerPoints?

I don't have a ride. Maybe later

Stokeley: I can come to you. I'm bored and my mom is getting on my nerves


Stokeley: what's the addy?

Ugh I hate when niggas talk like that. Like you have a whole education, use it please. I rolled my eyes and texted him my address. I guess I can't do what I originally wanted to do which was do a little homework and then take a fat nap.

I started working on my geometry homework and about twenty minutes passed before I heard the doorbell ring. I lazily climbed out of my bed and took the bag of chips downstairs with me to go open the front door. I opened the door and Stokeley stood there awkwardly with his backpack slung over his shoulder. He was starting at me and it took me a minute to realize I didn't have a shirt on. I cleared my throat, "Come in." I let him in and closed the door behind us. I led him upstairs to my room and he sat in my desk chair while I sat on my bed and finished my geometry homework.

"So like for the genes PowerPoint, do we have to look for like models wearing jeans or what?" He asked me.

It took me a minute to register what the fuck he just asked me. Are you stupid my nigga? You know what don't answer that.

"No y- jeans are what you get from your parents or something," I told him.

"Like what?"

"Eye color or body features." I shrugged.

"Oh okay," he sighed. "I feel stupid now."

I just kept on looking at my phone because there was no right way to respond to that statement.

"What are you doing texting your girlfriend?" He joked.

"I don't like girls," I mumbled and kept my attention to my phone.

"So the rumors are true?" He chuckled.

"I don't care, did you make your family tree or decide how your doing that?" I asked.

"Um no, I'll ask my mom for help on that later," he shrugged. He sat next to me on my bed, "so Jahseh. "

"Hmm?" I looked at him.

"No homo, you're kind of pretty," he smiled.

"Thanks I guess," I nodded my head and grabbed my laptop and opened google slides. "We can do the genes one first I guess."

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