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I forgot I have this stupid baby project with Stokeley. And I forgot we have to take care of the baby together. Trust me that teacher will know. She probably has cameras in the damn doll.

I unblocked Stokeley's number to tell him to come deal with the doll for a little bit.

Come get the doll for a few hours.

Cheater💔: Jahseh can we talk please?

Come get the damn bitch. We don't need to talk. I saw what I saw and I don't need to hear your excuses. I don't wanna hear your excuses. I told you not to hurt me. You did. End of discussion. Get this doll or I'll kill it and we will both fail.

Cheater💔: Ight mane

I sighed and threw my phone across my bed and laid down to take a nap. I don't wanna be awake when he gets here. Plus I need a fat ass nap right now because school was exhausting. "Mom when the thot gets here let him up to get the doll?" I called to my mom.

"I will if I don't choke his ass first," she chuckled.

"No don't choke him, shoot him in his contaminated dick," I chuckled as tears filled my eyes. What did she have that I didn't? Is it cause she's a real girl? Cause I'm a boy? Cause I'm intersex? Cause I wouldn't let him nut in me? Cause I told him I loved him? Cause I did. Fuck I still do. I can't handle this feeling I have. I don't understand what I did for him to do me like that?

It's my fault. If I would have let him come over he wouldn't have done it. Fuck this relationship bullshit. I'm so over it. Fuck it all.

I closed my eyes as I drifted off to sleep.


I had everything prepared to show him that it wasn't my fault. I screenshot the messages and I have them on my phone. I have a witness that saw her slip the shit in my soda can. People that saw me half dead on the couch.

He just has to listen. I have everything. I want to give him the world and so much more. I need him. That's my baby and I can't do this without him.

I walked into his room and saw that he was sleep. He looked so adorable. But I have to tell him. He has to at least here me out. Or I hope he does anyways.

"Jah wake up," I shook him slightly.

He opened his eyes slowly and glared at me when he saw me. "Leave."

"Just let me tell you what happened," I sighed.

He hit me in my chest and cried, "stupid bitch. What does she have that I don't?" He hit me between sobs.

"She doesn't have nothing. She ain't shit," I said honestly and I grabbed his hands and pinned him to the bed. "I was half dead in that video. She drugged me okay. I have the messages and everything just let me show you. I promise you I'm not lying just let me show you? Please?" I asked.

He nodded his head slowly as I handed him my phone. His facial expression changed so many times as he read through the messages. Finally he looked up at me, "I'm sorry." He cried.

"No baby it's okay," I hugged him. "I understand. I would have reacted the same way."

"I caught your favorite shoes on fire," he cried.

"I don't give a fuck about no shoes right now, I just need to know that me and you are okay. I need you more than you know baby," I looked him in his eyes.

"I feel stupid," he pouted.

"Baby it's not your fault. Just say you forgive me. I need you baby, please?" I pleaded.

"I love you Stokeley. I don't know where you thought you was going," he kissed my lips.

I got my baby back. The love of my fucking life.

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