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That made me happy ((: ^^

Anyways I don't feel like a smutt so you'll get it later..

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I'm just kidding..


"S-sorry," I bit my lip. As he flicked his tongue in and out of me at a fast pace. I gripped the shits just after he added his fingers inside of me. "Ahhh," I moaned.

He pulled his finger out of me and smacked my thigh, "What did I say?" He asked me.

"To be quiet," I whimpered. 

"Be quiet," he said before he grabbed onto my thighs, massaging them before taking his member and teasing my folds with it. My wetness leaked all over him as he continued to tease my pussy. 

Im sorry I cant. I need a different word to use, someone give me a code word cause the word "Pussy" makes me cringe. Damn. Imma say kitty for now.

"Stop teasing," I told him.

He wasted no time slipping inside of me, making my back arch, causing me to almost scream out. I instead let out a small whimper. I can't control myself when he's inside of me. He just does something to me. He was a virgin before me but you would never know that. He's so good at it. The best I ever had.

"Mmm daddy slow down," I moaned as I dug my nails into his back. The headboard was hitting the wall. 

"Mmm," He groaned in my ear. "Nah you finna take this dick," he started going faster and faster.

Okay Im trynna write this but someone is like next to my and I know they reading it. Hi bich. You like my smutt? Yeah? Thank you. Now go stare at someone elses screen WHORE. I love you tho. ((:

Later that day...

Stokeley came back into the room with a McDonald's bag. "Nigga what the fuck is that?" I looked at the bag.

"McDonald's." He shrugged.

"Who told you to get that dirty ass food?" I groaned and rolled my eyes. 

"You know what? You can go get your own food," he rolled his eyes and walked out of his room, leaving me in the bed.

I groaned. His ass is way too sensitive I swear. I climbed out of his bed and limped downstairs. "Stoke." I called for him.

He didn't answer. "Pokey?" I called again.

"Yes, baby?" He sighed from the kitchen.

"I'm sorry," I hugged him and kisses his cheek. He hugged me back and smiled. 

"Stop being mean to me," he frowned. 

"Okay, I'm sorry," I kissed his lips. He rested his hands on my waist as he embraced me into the kiss. We didn't go too far because we are in the kitchen and his mom is home.  He tried to slip his tongue into my mouth but I quickly stopped him. "No." My phone started ringing and I answered it seeing that it was Gazzy. "Wassup?"

"You wanna go to a gay club?" He laughed through the phone.

"I don't have -"

"Fake ID? I got one for you and Stoke and I'm on my way to his house to get you guys so get ready," he giggled.

"Okay," I hung up. "Gazzy is taking us to a bar." I said as I walked upstairs with the bag of food. "Come get ready."

He followed behind me and we got dressed since I already have clothes over here from the amount of times I've stayed over.

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