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I stretched my body out and when I threw my arms back on my bed I hit something. Or someone. I turned over and Stokeley winced and held his eye. Oh I forgot he was here. And last night was... whew Chile. I'm glad my mom wasn't home last night.

"Ow What the hell?" He whined. I'm kind of a obnoxious stretcher lets be real. He sat up and the sheet fell down revealing his scar from his surgery.

"I'm sorry," I said as I chucked his eye. He'll be fine. "You'll be fine."

"Already abusing me damn," he chuckled.

"It was an accident, I forgot you were here," I laughed.

"Jah why is your door locked? I've been calling you for two hours," my mom knocked on my door.

"Shit," I whispered. "Hurry up put your clothes on," I yell- whispered.

We scrambled around the room and threw our clothes back on. I opened my door and my mom was standing there. "You didn't take the trash to the street," she yelled.

"Sorry I'll do right now," I said.

"What we're doing?" She asked.

"Uh we fell asleep last night while we were watching tv I forgot I'm sorry," I explained. What a lie. We didn't do nothing but have sex last night. It was about six rounds. We didn't go to sleep until like one in the morning after I couldn't take anymore.

"Okay, I was just letting you know I have to go to Arkansas for a surgery so I'll be gone for a week, I left three hundred on the counter and I put three hundred on your card. I have to go but take that damn trash out now," she told me as she walked away. I heard the front door slam shut and then her car pull out of the driveway.

I walked back over to my bed and laid back down, "my fucking legs hurt." I threw a pillow Stokeley.

He threw it back, "my fucking eye hurts." He laid back down and smacked my ass.

I glared at him, "ow."

"That's what you get," he chuckled.

I sat on his stomach, straddling him, "that was an accident, I said sorry," i pouted.

He traced my lips with his hand and his thumb ran over my swollen lips. I he sat up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He leaned into me and kissed my lips. I brought my hands up to his face and cupped it in my hands. One of his hands wrapped around my throat as he slipped his tongue inside of my mouth.

Every since we kissed at Metri's house we haven't done anything but have sex and make out and hang out together. That was two weeks ago. We just been getting closer and closer. But I'm not ready to tell anyone. And Stokeley is only out to his friends and family right now so I guess that's fine. But no one knows about us. I hope.

I pulled away, "mm mmm, I'm still sore and I have to go take the trash to t-" he kissed me again. I kissed him back completely losing my train of thought and melting into the kiss.

He pinned me to the bed and took my shirt off. I was already covered in hickeys, he tugged at my shorts and I kicked them off leaving me in my panties. He ran his finger over my wetness over my panties and smirked at me. "You stay wet for me huh, baby?"

I shivered as he came down and kissed my covered area. He sent tingles up and down my spine. When I tell you Stokeley gives good ass head. I be coming in like one minute.

[okay so during the process of writing this I got really pissed of so my mood sometimes spills into my writing so if the atmosphere changes I'm sorry. I'm finna spazz yo I swear I wanna catch a bitch on fire]

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