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I walked with the doll in my arms as me and Jahseh walked through the mall with Deigo, Gazzy, and Omar. Gazzy was carrying their doll and Deigo carried his since he wouldn't let Metri help. He wants to prove that he can live without him.

So I deadass just got home from my girlfriends house ten minutes ago and I go in my room and I found my Huaraches colored in sharpie. So I tell my stepdad cause it was his son, and he wanna act like it dont matter, he be treating his kids like they so much better than me and my brother. I wanna fight. Like who tf drawss on someones shoes with SHARPIE? And then his hefty ass son wanna come in here and walk all over my bed. Bitch tf? Get out tf out. Now.

"Oh look, these are cute," Gazzy pointed at some jean booty shorts on a manican. 

"I don't wear booty shorts, I only wear like the ones I have, the velvet material ones or like the Nike ones." Jahseh said.

"Try new things," Gazzy smiled.

"I dont think so," Jahseh chuckled. 

The Next Day

I walked into Jah's room and he was laying with his head in Gazzy's lap, sleeping. "Shh.. do not wake him up he will raise hell. Little Jah does not play about his sleep." Gazzy whispered.

"Little Jah?" I furrowed my brows at the pet name.

"He's a little. But he doesn't slip in that much, but it's happened three times already today. Something ain't right. I think his doctor took him off his meds for the littles thing?" Gazzy sighed.

"He didn't tell me that," I sighed as I sat down in his desk chair and sat down the grocery bad I had. Jahseh texted me saying he wanted some chips and candy so I went to get him some and brought it over. I guess that makes sense cause he dont eat junk food that much unless he's on his period or if he's about to go on. I didn't even know he had periods. But him and his mom explained to me about his condition. He's a boy but he has a uterus and he has periods and a vagina. So now I understand a little more. 

"Gigi?" I heard a tiny voice babble. I looked up to see Jahseh stretching out on Gazzy's lap.

"You can take over now," Gazzy told me as he stood up. 

Jahseh looked up at me, "Daddy?" He smiled.

Gazzy's eyes went wide and he grabbed my hand and pulled me into the hallway, leaving the door open. "Now you really can't fuck up." He glared at me.

"What did I do?" I asked as I looked at Jahseh stick his fingers in his mouth while he counted his toes. So fucken cute I swear.

"Jah, he doesn't get attached. We've been friends since we were in kindergarten and he has never called anyone daddy or anything. At least while he was in littlespace." He sighed. "Just he doesn't get attached so just don't hurt my brother you tiddy built nigger," he laughed and disappeared downstairs. "By the way, he's sensitive and is wayyy freaky while he's in his headspace, but don't do anything with him while he's like that cause he's in the mindset of a four year old." 

I nodded my head and walked into his room, closing the door. " Daddy!" He exclaimed and jumped into my arms, wrapping his legs around my waist. "I misseded you."

"I brought you the snacks you asked for," I grabbed the QT bag off the desk. "Here." I gave it to him.

"Ew why you get gummy worms. Taste like booty," he scrunched up his face. 

"You told me to," I said.

"Liar," he snickered.

"You set me up," I chuckled.

"No," he laughed and laid on his bed, turning the tv on, "Watch cartoons?" he asked me.

"Yeah," I shrugged and laid next to him on the bed. I'm tired as hell. It's ten o'clock at night and I'm tryna catch these Z's ya dig.

I felt the bed shift and I looked over at Jahseh who was taking his shorts off. "What are you doing?" I asked.

"Daddy touch Baby?" He asked.

"No nuh uh," I grabbed his shorts and gave them to him. "Put your clothes on baby."

"No daddy touch baby, now," he climbed on my lap. He started grinding me. "Please?"

"No, Jah not right now," I said again. He wasn't going to put his shorts on so I took him off of my lap and scooted over. 

"You don't love me?" He whined.

"No I do, but daddy is sick right now so I wanna rest," I lied. I can't have sex with him while he thinks he's a four year old. That's sick. That ain't right.

"Okay, I'll wait," he nodded his head and smiled as he put his shorts back on. Oh thank god. He laid his head on my chest and wrapped his arms around me. "Night night, daddy."

What do ya'll think about little Jah?

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